Monday, November 5, 2007

I Am Six Months Old Today!

Hi everyone!

Today I am 6 months old! My Mom and Dad say the time has gone by way too fast!! I don't really know - I'm just havin' fun! Each day brings something new!

I am sitting up all by myself!! Sometimes Mom puts a pillow behind me and once I discover that it's there I love to throw myself back onto it!! Mom and Dad keep putting me on my belly and I keep rolling to my back! Hee, hee, hee! They want my bald spot to grow in, but I think it gives me character! I also have two teeth now. I hope my teeth will help me eat more food! I love all the food I'm trying. So far I'm eating rice, oat and barley cereal, carrots, peas, squash, prunes and apple sauce. I tried beef but UCKY! I've also started drinking water from a cup. I love to dump the water all over the place and watch Mom clean it up! I don't understand why I can't eat everything - I always try to sneak a bite of Mom and Dad's food but they quickly take it away! One of these days I'm going to get it!!

I had my 6 month shots on Friday and geez did they hurt! I'm glad I don't have to go again until I'm 1! I weighed 16 lbs, 7 1/4 oz and I'm 26" long. My Mom thought I was longer, but guess not! I am almost in the 50 percentile for both - what's that mean anyways?!

I had lots of fun at Halloween! I loved my costume, but I got really tired towards the end of the evening and still my Mom and Dad had to take me to a few places. I was really glad to see my bed at the end of the night! It's tough work being cute!

Mom and Dad are pretty excited for my first Christmas, but that seems ages away. Oh and I'm getting Christened sometime soon too!

But, I'm getting pretty tired. I think I'll have my bath now and then go to bed. I take it easy on Mom and Dad and go to bed without a fuss most nights!

Love you everyone!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blake - you are suter and cuter and cuter. Also very techno for your age. Auntie Lindsay would be proud! I suppose you shop E Bay too?
Love you poopkins
Grandma D