Sunday, January 13, 2008

4 Teeth!

Hi everyone! Blake now has 4 teeth : ) The top two are finally through! It's crazy how they break through and then it takes another few weeks or even months for the teeth to fully come out. This morning he was grinding his teeth - I couldn't believe it! He was eating breakfast and between bites I could hear this noise and was surprised to see him grinding his four little teeth! Hopefully it will be one of those things that he does for a bit just because it sounds cool and then he stops because I don't think it's good!! A couple of days ago he also started "clucking" his tongue and quite enjoys it!! He continues to be a good eater and hasn't turned much down so far! Anything he's not sure of I just mix with sweet potatoes or squash and he gobbles it up. His sleeping patterns have definitely started to change. He went through a bit of a rough stage for a few weeks which I attribute to those top teeth but now when we are home and maintain his naps and bedtime it goes something like this - supper at 5:30 or 6:00 pm, bath, and bed between 6:30 and 7:30 pm. Sometimes we have to give him his soother back, sometimes not and then he nurses at 5:15 ish am, back to bed, and up for breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 am. Nap around 10 or 10:30 am. Nurse a couple times during the day, then nap around 1:30 or 2:00 pm and back to supper! Everyone always comments on what a happy baby Blake is but we really notice a difference on the days he doesn't get his naps in or has a late bedtime - not as happy!!! LOL! But I quite like the routine and try to stick to it. Next month I am going to start feeding him solids at lunch too. It's getting hard to keep up with all this baby food making but I think most things are best made by me and not Heinz!! We do buy a few of the fruits and squash though! We've had a few visitors these past days - on Friday my friend Sarah and her little guy Gibson came by and today my friend Krista came for a visit! It was great to catch up with everyone!! Today I took Blake for a sleigh ride - it was such a beautiful day! We had our first Baby Laptime of '08 on Tuesday and I must say the program looks even better then last year. The leader is much more interactive with the babies then the past one. On Wednesday our Mom's Group is going to Baby Sign Time at the library and I am looking forward to learning some baby sign language. I'm kind of on the fence as far as the whole baby sign language thing goes but maybe this class will help me choose a side!! So that's what is up with Mr. Blake and his Mom & Dad :)

Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you believe how this little guy has changed? He has the greatest personality. I keep saying I can't wait for this and that time, but then you realize that today will be gone forever if the other things you wait for arrive. Let's find a way to preserve him! Not much wonder boys become mamma's boys!
Love you all so much