Thursday, February 21, 2008

On The Move!!

Blake is officially a "scootcher"!! At least that's what Cal and I call it!! He basically drags himself forward. This motion has also been referred to as the "wounded soldier". Cal has been practicing crawling with Blake for the last while and it looks like it paid off!! As motivation, Cal places his glasses just out of Blake's reach. It's fun to watch them! Blake still enjoys standing and is loving his Leap Frog table we bought him for Christmas. He can also stand at the couch or coffee table for a long time before getting bored! I love it when he is laying on the ground and I give him my hands to hold and he pulls himself up to standing. He gets the goofiest grin on his face - kind of a half lip Elivs thing!!!! It's too cute :) On Wednesday we picked up Blake's 9 month pictures from Sears. I'm going to try and scan them and if it works I'll post them. Wednesday, February 20th, was my Mom's birthday. My Mom, Dad, Blake and I went out for supper on Tuesday night to celebrate, but we plan on going out with everyone (Cal, Linds, Jer) when Lindsay and Jeremy are back in town. My Mom flew to Newfoundland on Wednesday for a close family friend's funeral. She will be back in 1 week. Blake and I also visited a dayhome this week. Unfortunately she does not have a spot for a child under 2. She was really good and I would totally feel comfortable leaving Blake in her care. We're next on the waiting list so hopefully a spot will open up in April or May! But in the mean time I'm on the hunt for another! There are a lot of brutal dayhomes out there I'll tell ya! I can't believe some people would leave there kids in the care of some of these people. If I can't find a dayhome, we do have our name on a few daycare waiting lists so that's Plan B. I also have a job interview next week that I'm quite excited about. It is a .83 position. Full time is 1.0, so this is probably either 4 days a week or 5 days a week with shorter hours. I'm hoping for 4 days a week! Cal is off every 2nd Monday so if I'm working 4 days a week every second week Blake would only be in the dayhome 3 days. But we will see how it pans out! I may end up returning to my old job 5 days a week and bringing Blake with me to the daycare there. So that's what's new with us! I'm sure now that Blake is scootching around he'll soon be getting into everything! We have some child locks on our cupboards but need a few more!!! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the awesome weather!

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Great job 'scootching' Blake! Can't wait to see you crawling and walking soon!!!
Love you!
Auntie Lesley, Uncle Gerry and Colby