Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scrunchy Face!!

I just had to write about this! Blake started doing this totally adorable thing with his face! Sometimes when he's playing by himself and I look over he's scrunching up his face, closing his eyes and smirking. He does it when he's especially excited!!! It is sooooo cute! Sometimes if we look at each other and he's excited he does it! I'm going to try and get a picture of it. I just love him to bits!!!!! On another note, he was sick to his stomach on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yesterday and today were puke free thank goodness! Oddly, he didn't have any other symptoms. No fever, diarrhea, etc. Cal was sick on Wednesday so perhaps he caught that bug. I felt bad for him but it didn't seem to affect him much at all. He'd just puke and I'd clean him up and we'd continue on with playing or whatever we were doing! The first time he was sick was breakfast on Friday and Heidi was hanging out under his high chair looking for crumbs - so guess what happened!? Yep, you guessed - she had a little shower compliments of Blake! Yuck!! LOL! After spending a few days in and missing a couple of activities I was starting to feel a bit house bound. Thank goodness the weather is awesome and we've gone out for some nice walks. The path around the lake (sorry Cal - man made reservoir!) is clear for a stroller! Since the snow is melting so fast it isn't possible to take the sleigh. Tomorrow Blake and I are picking up my Mom, Erica and Dion at the airport. They are returning from Newfoundland. I also spoke to another day home provider today and we may go visit it tomorrow or Friday a.m. This one sounds quite promising so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! And get this - the price is $200 a month less then the other good one I found! Crazy?!


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