Sunday, March 2, 2008

Busy Weekend!!

This weekend was very eventful!! On Friday night after Cal got home from work we headed to Stony Plain to stay overnight at my parents house. Cal curled in a fun spiel with my Dad in Spruce Grove on Saturday. He had a lot of fun and did really well!! Mom, Blake and I went to watch a few games, had lunch with a family friend and then while Blake took his afternoon nap Mom and I made cards for our card club next Sunday. Then we went to the Spruce Grove curling rink for the dinner and awards banquet. Blake fell asleep on the way home to Edmonton and I carefully transferred him to his crib for the night!! Today, we were up and at em' early! Cal ran in the Hypothermic Half Marathon this morning. We were at the Highlands golf course at 8:00 a.m. It was colder then we expected so Blake and I dropped Cal off at the start line and went for coffee (Blake didn't have any)! We then drove back and watched Cal start (from inside the car) and drove to a few different spots on the race course to cheer him on and take pictures. Then we went to Walmart for a few minutes and came back and met Cal at the finish line! It was so cold outside for Blake and I, but Cal didn't feel too cold! He did so good and I am so proud of him! I had tears in my eyes seeing him come down the home stretch! He ran 21.1 km in 2 hours, 2 minutes. Really good - especially for his 1st 1/2 marathon!! There was a brunch at the golf course afterwards which we enjoyed with some of the people in Cal's Running Room clinic. After the brunch we headed home and rested for a bit and then Blake and I went to our friends house for New Mom's Group. A lot of the Mom's have gone back to work so we decided to meet on a weekend once a month to catch up with everyone. I was really tired and not sure if I wanted to go, but I am glad we did. Blake had fun with all his friends! It's nice when they're all near the same age and can play together. Oh, last night before I went to bed I went into Blake's room to check on him and he was sleeping on his stomach. It was so adorable! His legs were kind of splayed out and he just looked so cute. He did it again tonight so maybe that's how he's going to sleep now. On another note, I feel drained just from thinking about how I'm going to wean Blake. Blake's pediatrician said I could just wean him to homo milk, but after reading more about it, talking to friends, etc. I was very hesitant to do that. So now I'm going to use formula for 2 months until he is 1 and then slowly introduce homo milk. I think it will be better. I've read all sorts of things about milk being hard on their little tummies, especially breast fed babies because breast milk is the easiest for them to digest and best for their tummies, etc. So the formula will be like a transition I'm thinking. So this week I will be cutting back from 4 feedings a day to 3 and 1 bottle. We'll see if he'll take it!! Then week by week I will slowly completely wean him. To be honest I'm still not crazy about giving him formula either but I think it's the best choice for the situation. He's getting too big :( I'm totally one of those Mom's who has trouble letting go! I'll be a terrible mother-in-law!! Anyways, I have written way too much here :) Hope everyone is well!

Luv Tracy

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