Monday, April 14, 2008


I really can't believe how good of a day we had!!! Blake had an unusual evening/night last night. He has a cold and is really stuffed up so is having trouble breathing! He went to bed later than usual last night. I thought that due to that he'd be up earlier and cranky today. But instead I had to wake him up. I got up at 5:55 and got ready for work and then I woke him up at 6:15 and got him ready and we were out the door at 7!! Cal had his boot camp class this morning so he was gone before we got up and I thought it might be really rushed trying to get out the door by myself, but it wasn't at all! (Note to Cal: that doesn't get you off the hook for future mornings! LOL!) I dropped Blake and the playpen off at around 7:10. I took him to the door and he went to Karen and waved at me as I left with a cute lil' crooked grin on his face! It was adorable! So I headed to Fort Saskatchewan with some tears in my eyes and arrived at work at 7:25! I start at 8 and I didn't know if anyone would be there yet, so I drove around Fort Sask a little bit and went back to work at 7:50! Turns out a few people start at 7:30 so I could have went in. I called Karen at around 8:30 to give her my new work number and she said Blake was doing great and she was going to get ready to put him down for a nap. I called her again at noon and she said he was busy eating lunch and he had a 2 hour nap! I typed her out a rather detailed report on Blake's every move, habit and behaviour and she said that just like I said he started showing signs of being tired and she rocked him a little bit, put him down and he was asleep in 5 minutes! I honestly could not believe it. I thought for sure he'd fuss a little bit because of being in a strange place, not in his crib, being overtired, having a cold, etc - but nope! And then he had a nap in the afternoon for 2 hours and 20 min. I really was surprised but very glad! After I found out he had a good morning nap I was very relieved and not worried at all. I picked him up around 4:30 and he was playing away! He still has a cold, but hopefully that will go away soon. It's so hard on little ones because they can't blow their nose!! And my first day at work was excellent! I'm very excited about my job and so glad to not be returning to my old one :) This will be a lot more challenging and interesting! I was quite impressed with my desk! LOL! The O.T. I work with said I'll have to bring in lots of pictures and I said don't worry, now that I see how much space there is I will be covering it with frames!! I'm a bit of a picture freak! Not a nice word to use but I can't think of another one at this time! So, that was our day! Really, really good and I hope they continue to be just as good! Tomorrow Blake and I are going to hang around home and we may go for a bike ride when Cal gets home from work! Take care everyone!

Love Cal, Tracy & Blake

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay so glad your day went great for the both of you's!! I have tears in my eyes lots to, everytime I leave her with a babysitter (Mel usually now that Dave's parents our gone) I feel like I am abandoning her haha, I'm a geek. Not how she feels tho she is off with Ryder having a blast and cries her eyes out when I show up to take her home!! Ouch that doesn't hurt at all, haha. Her aunty Nancy (Daves sister) used to take her to her truck with her pretending to steal her, thinking it would bug Ry and she would want to come back to her mom, but she never did, she always willingly got in the truck and was ready to go. Sometimes she plays strange with Daves brother but only for about 5 minutes and then she is good to go. I know she loves me tho, I'm still the first one she runs to when she hurts herself so that must mean something haha

Love ya have fun biking I'm jealous I want a bike!!
J and Ry