Monday, November 3, 2008

26 Weeks!!

Wow! This pregnancy is FLYING by!!! My goodness, where is the time going? I had a Dr. appointment today. They were quite busy and I didn't get in until 1hr after my appointment time!! That is unusual, as I usually get in pretty much on time. I was a bit impatient today and wanted to get home, so of course it was the one day they're running really behind. My gestational diabetes test came back fine, but my iron is low. It was 95 and apparently your iron should be between 120 and I can't remember the other number! So anyways, I went to the drug store tonight and bought iron supplements and will start taking them tonight. I suppose that could be why I'm feeling quite a bit more tired than I remember being at this point in time with Blake. Hopefully I'll notice an improvement as my iron gets back up to where it should be. I finally feeling like I'm growing and "popping"! I will post a picture as soon as I can! I still have heartburn all the time, no matter what I eat and my arms are starting to fall asleep at night. Most days when I wake up I have a lot of pain in my right wrist, which lasts sometimes until about noon. The Dr. suggested getting a carpal tunnel splint from the drug store, but guess what - I happen to work with a great Occupational Therapist who can make them in her sleep! LOL! AND I just happen to finish these splints for her all the time, so when we have time we'll make one for me! So right now those are my only pregnancy complaints! And the fact that it's passing by in a blur. I see the Dr. again in 3 weeks and then start going every 2 weeks. Cal and I have decided to start getting the babies room ready this weekend. Right now it is full of odds and ends. A lot of the stuff in there is ready to be dropped off at Goodwill and the other stuff we'll move to the basement for now. We're going to paint the room (a neutral color) and start looking at furniture. I'd like to be done the room by Christmas! It will be fun pulling out all the itty bitty onesies and sleepers again and putting them away in the drawers, etc, etc! Oh and the Dr. couldn't get an accurate heart rate today because the baby was kicking like crazy!! This child is really, really active!! I thought Blake moved a lot, but not as much as this one does. I say it's kicking all the time because a lot of the time it's big brother is squishing it! Seriously, I think that's the reason!! And that is what's new with Baby! Tomorrow Blake has a pediatrician appointment and I'll let you know how that goes :)

Luv Tracy

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