Tuesday, November 4, 2008

18 months tomorrow!!

Today Blake had his 18 month pediatrician appointment. We didn't weigh him again, since he'd just been weighed about 3 weeks ago when Cal took him in due to his ear infection. At that time he was 26 lbs. And I'm feelin' all 26 lbs when I pick him up!! LOL! I'm sure at his 18 month immunizations on Nov. 14 they will weigh and measure him again. The Dr. appointment went well for the most part. I felt good when I left because I'd actually written a list of questions down and I asked them ALL! Sometimes I have a million questions and then don't ask them all and regret it. So I asked about Blake's eating habits (he eats and eats and eats and eats and eats some more), which is apparently not exactly "normal" (most kids become quite picky by this age) but nothing to be concerned about since his size is average and he's not overweight at all. I also asked about his sleeping habits, which are really good but we thought maybe he was needing a bit too much sleep, but the Dr. said it's fine and really good for Blake (not to mention US!)!! So we'll continue on as we have been. We certainly know he needs his sleep! And Blake's ears ... he has another slight infection. Boo :( Dr. Radisic didn't prescribe any antibiotics yet, he asked us to keep an eye on him and call in if things get worse. We're hoping it will clear up. Apparently a lot of ear infections do clear up on their own. It hasn't affected him really yet, I've just noticed him pulling at his ears a bit and that's why I suspected something may be up. We'll see how he does in the next 6 months and if the ear infections continue to be a repeat problem we will be referred to an E.N.T. Hopefully he will grow out of these ear infections soon. Other than that, all is great with Blake! He was talking away to the Pediatrician and his resident and had a great time playing in the waiting room! His word of the day is, "Hello!" Whenever we say, "Hi!" to him he says, "Hello!" It's so cute!! He's also saying, "Thank you!" at appropriate times. We love listening to him talk and it's even better when we recognize a word!!! Today when I picked him up from Karen's he was jabbering away with Vanessa. It was absolutely adorable to see :) When I'm on maternity leave we're going to continue to take Blake to the day home (probably 1 day a week). He has so much fun there and I think he'd really miss playing with Vanessa. It's hard to believe our little boy will be 18 months old tomorrow. It's been an amazing 18 months!! Wow ... hard to explain or put into words. I'm sure all the other mother's out there know what I mean :) Take care everyone, talk to you soon.

Luv Cal, Tracy & Blake

Cal, Tracy & Blake


Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound like a very good b-day present, taking your baby for his shots!! Hope all is well I think Blake and Ryann must weigh about the same now, she weighs nothing, Austin is going to catch her soon, he is a moose!!

The Cameron Family 5 said...

LOL! Yeah, I know, maybe silly of me to book his shots on my birthday!! Oh well, we'll hang out at home afterwards which is most likely what I'll feel like doing anyways ;) Austin's gaining fast? Blake gained really fast in the first 3 months! Then slowed down. The dr. said I must have been producing cream!