Saturday, November 15, 2008

UC Baby Day!!

Today we had our UC Baby appointment!! It was so exciting to see the baby moving around and doing all sorts of cool things :) I don't like calling the baby "it" so sometimes I use him, but we don't know the sex!! The baby was pretty cozy today and didn't change it's position much. Just moved his arms and legs lots! When he was resting he always had his legs crossed - must of known we didn't want to know the gender! His eyes were open a lot of the time and he kept looking up and down and all around! He was playing with his toes for a lot of the time and then started playing with the umbilical cord. He was also stretching a lot and sucking on his finger! The ultrasound tech pointed out his eyebrows and hair. At Blake's UC Baby appointment (also at 28 weeks) we didn't see any eyebrows or hair so perhaps this baby will have even more hair then Blake did when he was born!! I've certainly had the heartburn that goes with a "hairy" baby!!! Blake at first was scared when I climbed onto the bed, but calmed down quickly. In the beginning he sat on Cal's knee and watched me and then he got off Cal's knee and started moving around and at one point he walked up to the t.v. and watched for a few seconds! We kept telling him, "That's your brother or sister Blake!" "Can you see the baby?" It was cute! He still doesn't quite grasp the concept though! We heard the heartbeat twice. The first time it was 154 bpm and the second time it was 150 bpm. The Ultrasound tech estimated its size to be approx. 3 lbs and she guesses it will be between 7 lbs 5 oz and 7 lbs 9 oz. With Blake the ultrasound tech though he'd be around the same weight and he was 6 lbs 13 oz, so I'm not placing any bets based on her prediction!! LOL! The baby showed us lots of smiles and the ultrasound tech kept saying how happy he/she looked! Some of the pictures looked a lot like Blake's. I think they definitely have the same nose and lips, but this baby seems to have more of a pointed chin (like me) vs. a round face (like Cal and Blake). The ultrasound tech also pointed out a dimple under it's bottom lip! Will be interesting to see if it's born with one or not! So once again it was an awesome experience! We have a DVD recording of the session and over 100 pictures on CD!! I'll post a couple of pictures!

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure see a lot of likeness to Blake - that is so cool. But I sure can't decide if I am seeing a boy or girl. But that is just fine!
Love you all