Monday, December 29, 2008

Where did 2008 go??

Wow did this year ever fly by!! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great time celebrating with our families in Grande Prairie and Stony Plain. Blake travelled very well and thankfully the highway conditions were good to and from Grande Prairie - I always worry about winter driving. We left for G.P. on the 24th and went to Stony Plain on the 26th. It was great to see Cal's family in Grande Prairie. We don't get to Grande Prairie very often, so it has been awhile since we'd seen most of his family. Blake had a lot of fun, but didn't get a lot of sleep!! Thankfully, he's made up for that the past few days :) We stayed at my parents house in Stony Plain on the 26th and 27th and did Christmas Day #2 on the 27th! My sister and Jeremy were home for the holidays too, so it was nice to all be together and spend lots of time just hangin out and visiting. Lindsay is here until January 4th, so we hope to spend more time together! With all the travelling and excitement, Christmas seemed to blow by in a whirlwind. We're already looking forward to next year and our new addition's first Christmas!!

Today I had a Dr. appointment. I saw Dr. Gannon and was very surprised to see her sporting a cute round belly! Last time I saw her she mentioned they were ready for #2 "whenever"! I think she probably already knew she was pregnant, just wasn't telling everyone yet! It's funny because she was due in July when she delivered Blake in May and now I'm due in February and she's due in April! She's such a wonderful Doctor and person, I adore her! Everything is good with baby and I, but I am measuring 36 WEEKS!! I am only 34 weeks, so ... what that means is anyone's guess! Could mean the baby is "big", perhaps my due date is incorrect, maybe as was the case with Blake my water is just big? Who knows. The Christmas treats and dinners certainly helped my weight gain though! Which keeps the Dr. happy :) The nurse was looking at my chart after weighing me and measuring my blood pressure and she noticed that my labour with Blake was 11 hours. I had no idea how long labour with Blake was!! I wasn't sure what counted as "labour" because the first contractions I felt were in the middle of the night and I was able to sleep through them. So according to the above, they started counting when I came to the hospital. She said hopefully this time it will only be 3 hours or so!! Boy would that be nice! 3 hours seems so short! The heart beat was strong today, but baby was moving so much we couldn't get an accurate rate. I go back to the Dr. in 2 weeks and then it's 1/week until the end.

Today was also my last day of work. Oddly enough, I felt a bit sad driving away from work this afternoon. Kathryn and I worked so well together and I will really miss certain aspects of my job! I have this constant "tug-of-war" with myself, flip flopping back and forth between should I work, shouldn't I work, what's best for Blake, what's best for our family, what's best for me, etc, etc, etc. Obviously, financially it's best if I work, but that's not all that matters either. Regardless, I am now officially off work for 13 months. I will enjoy my time with Blake for the next few weeks and then with both the kids and we'll see what 2010 brings! This pregnancy has gone by SO fast and I'm certain my maternity leave will go by even faster.

Cal is enjoying his vacation time and we're looking forward to the next few days when we're all home together. We're taking Blake to see his Pediatrician tomorrow to see if this cold is possibly anything else. His cough sounds terrible and he's so stuffed up. We're hoping the Dr. Radisic can give us some advice/medication/reassurance! After the Dr. appointment we're going to the library to renew our cards! Other than that, we don't have many plans for our days off together.

We have no definite plans for New Year's Eve. Our friend is hosting his annual New Year's Eve bash, but we're not sure if we'll go or not. I don't think Blake would really enjoy himself, so we may just have a nice dinner as a family and play some games and watch some movies once Blake goes to bed. We do plan on going out for a "fancy" brunch on New Year's Day!

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and all the best in 2009!

Love Cal, Tracy, Blake & Baby

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

So glad we got to see you guys at Christmas this year! And I'm very glad to hear your dr. appt. went well! I'm excited you're done work already... that means the little one will be here soon! Can't wait to meet him/her (although I still think it's a boy!)