Monday, January 19, 2009

37 Weeks!

3 more weeks until my due date :) I had a Dr. appointment this afternoon. The babies heart rate was 153 bpm. I'm measuring 38 weeks (same as last week). The babies head is down, but not "engaged", so it still has to move into my pelvis. The carpel tunnel in my right hand is getting worse. My right middle finger tip is numb all the time and my hand feels very stiff and swollen. The left side only bothers me at night, but is fine after I get up. Surprisingly I can still wear my wedding rings during the day! The baby continues to be very active and enjoys kicking its poor Mom in the ribs!! But I must say, I enjoy watching my belly move and wiggle as the baby moves and kicks!

We had a great week and weekend. The weather was fabulous!! Blake and I spent quite a bit of time outside. He loves being outside and shovelling! One night he insisted on taking one of his shovels to bed with him. I laid him down and then passed him the shovel and he tucked it in beside him as if he was cuddling with a teddy bear! It was so cute!! On Wednesday Blake and I met my friend Melissa and her boys at Beaners and the boys all got hair cuts. Blake always looks so grown up after a hair cut. After Beaners I took him to the pediatrician. He had a croup like cough start on Tuesday night and I thought I might as well get it checked out, since he had just been sick over Christmas. The Dr. said his chest and ears were clear and it was likely viral, but he did a nasal swab to rule out an infection and gave us a prescription for one dose of a steroid to clear out Blake's airways and help the cough. It seemed to work and he slept well Wednesday night and didn't have the terrible cough. Blake and I went to Stony Plain on Thursday morning. We visited my Dad's office and then had lunch with my parents. Blake stayed over night at their house that night. Cal and I went for dinner and to a movie. It was nice to get out, just the 2 of us! We had the carpets cleaned on Friday morning and my parents and sister brought Blake back home later in the afternoon and then stayed for supper. It sounded like Blake had a lot of fun visiting Grandma, Grandpa and Aunty!! On Friday night my Mom, sister and I tried to go to the movie Bride Wars, but it was all sold out :( Cal had school this weekend, so on Saturday Blake and I met my Mom and Lindsay at the swimming pool and then we went for lunch. Blake sure enjoys swimming! He had fun filling a watering can in the sprinklers and splashing around. Saturday afternoon we met Cal outside and played outside before supper. On Sunday my Mom and Dad came over for a visit again and Cal got home early from school so we went to Toys R Us to buy some things we needed for the baby. Blake wasn't feeling well on Sunday. Still stuffed up and just not himself. He seems to be better today, but I'm going to call Dr. Radisic tomorrow, because he asked us to call if Blake wasn't feeling better in 4-5 days. Poor kid keeps catching everything that's going around. It really concerns us, but Dr. Radisic says it's totally normal and just that time of year. Have to trust the doc I guess!! We just don't like seeing our boy sick.

Tomorrow Blake and I are going over to one of our New Mom's Group friends house for a visit. The kids love Timbits so we're picking up a box and some coffee's for the Mom's! 2 other ladies in the group are expecting too, so we look forward to having our kids near the same age! So far we don't have many plans for the rest of the week. Cal and I have some things we'd like to cross off our to do list before the baby arrives, so we'll chip away at those. Cal did get the babies car seat installed this weekend! And we bought some shelves for the babies room last week, so we'll hang those tonight probably. Anyways, my thoughts seem to be all over the place tonight so I think I'll sign off for now!!

Take care everyone!

Luv Tracy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya I hate to see my baby sick too!! Hope the poor guy feels better quick!!
So exciting doing all the last minute things before baby means they are getting close, installing the car seat is probably the most exciting. We packed the carseat and a little suitcase full of baby stuff when we went home for Mel's wedding I remember. Didn't need it tho, too bad, I would have loved to have had him at home. Had a few dr.'s appt.'s while I was there with my "old" dr. she is amazing I wished she would have been able to deliver him too, I guess things are what they are tho.
Feel better soon everyone, can't wait to hear of the new baby!!
Love from us all
J Ry and Austin