Monday, January 12, 2009

4 more weeks!!!!

Wow! Today I am 36 weeks, 1 day!! I had a Dr. appointment today and everything is good. I'm still measuring big - 38 weeks. I should be measuring 36 weeks! I really hope that doesn't mean this baby is going to be a lot bigger than Blake :) I had the Group B strep test today, hopefully it comes back negative. The babies heartbeat was 143, a bit higher than 2 weeks ago. I'll be visiting the Dr. every week now and have to carry my papers with me in my purse in case I go into labour! I still can't believe this pregnancy is almost over!! I feel like I've blinked and it's passed!!! But we are getting very excited to meet the little one and find out if we're having a boy or a girl! It's such an awesome moment when you hear the words, "It's a ____!" I felt all along with Blake that I was having a boy, so I wasn't very surprised when he was born! LOL! But with this pregnancy I can't say either way. I flip flop back and forth and for quite awhile I thought it was a boy, but now ... I don't know! It's fun to guess but of course we just want a healthy baby.

Blake is continuing to be a goof! LOL! He really "hams it up" at times!! He's started to call Cal by his first name occasionally. It is soooo... funny when he calls, "Cal!" instead of, "Dad!" Makes us laugh! I guess Blake gets that from me calling his Dad, Cal all the time. I always thought it was silly when a wife spoke to her husband and called him Dad, but now I think I understand! We're trying to talk to Blake about the baby every day. Just mentioning that Grandma and Grandpa will be staying with him when Mom and Dad go to the hospital to have the baby, rocking his doll, sorry "Buddy", in the bouncy chair and going to see the babies room. He seems to understand and hopefully he will adjust quickly! My sister gave us a book about being a big brother. It's really cool - you personalize it with names, dates, pictures, etc. I've filled it out and have started adding pictures and Blake loves to look at it.

Thankfully, our weather has warmed up and tomorrow is supposed to be +3! Yippee!! Cal's off work tomorrow, he switched from Monday to Tuesday off so he wouldn't miss his spinning class! We'll definitely be spending some time in the snow and sun tomorrow! Talk to later ;)

Luv Tracy

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