Monday, February 23, 2009

1 Week Old Today!

It is hard to believe, but a week has passed since Emerson was born! It's been a great week :)

Today we took the kids into the health unit to have them weighed and measured. Emerson was a whopping 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 3/4" long. Blake weighed 28.3 lbs and was 34 1/2" long. The nurse was very happy to see that Emerson has surpassed her birth weight! Once again, I must be producing cream!! LOL! The nurse said they like to see babies back at their birth weight by 10 to 12 days of age.

We've been enjoying our time together and loving having Cal home from work! Maybe we'll win the lotto soon and he can stay home all the time?! (wishful thinking!)

Blake is doing great with his new sister. We are so impressed! He is being such a great big brother. It doesn't seem like there's been any adjustment needed. He's doing awesome and hopefully that will continue! Tomorrow we're going to the YMCA to sign Blake up as a member. That way we can access the "good" swimming lesson times and get some deals as well! We're going to register him tomorrow for the "My First Preschool" program. I called today to see what it entails and was told they do crafts, have story time and music time, play time, etc. It sounds like something he'll really enjoy! It begins on May 1.

Emerson is such a little sweetheart. She loves being cuddled!! I think she'd like to be held all day and night if we let her! She's sleeping well, just not always at the times we'd like! The last 3 nights she's slept 4-5 hours in one stretch, which is really nice. Otherwise, she eats about every 2-3 hours. Like Blake, she is very alert and strong. One of the nurses we had at the Sturgeon said she'll be reciting her ABC's by 3 months! When she's awake she's looking all over the place and very curious. She lifts her head right off our shoulder's and looks all around! I keep telling her to stop showing off, we know how strong she is :) She has her first pediatrician appointment on Friday. We're enjoying having a little girl and dressing her in all the cute, girly clothes we've been getting as gifts :) My Mom ans sister have found some pretty adorable outfits!!

I'm feeling great, just a bit tired. I slipped on a pair of old jeans this week!! Now I have to get used to having a zipper again! LOL! Today I was feeling a bit sad about missing out on all the time I used to have to spend with Blake. But I'm trying to spend time with him when I can. I'm glad he's so understanding :)

We're looking forward to family pictures on Saturday with the talented Rose! And Saturday afternoon I'm taking the kids to Cal's hockey game. I know this will be a HUGE hit with Blake!! He loves hockey! He recently got a new hockey stick from Grandpa and real hockey gloves from Jer and Linds, so we'll be bringing those!! I can just see how excited he's going to be! It'll be great :)

Take care everyone,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that everyone is adjusting so well! Keep up the hard work Cal & Tracy! You make parenting look so easy!