Monday, March 16, 2009

4 Weeks Old :)

Today Emerson is 4 weeks old! 4 weeks have gone by very fast, but on the other hand I can't remember or imagine life without her!! I took Em to the Health Unit today for a weigh in. She tipped the scales at 9 lbs 1 oz, 21 3/4", and her head circumference was 35 1/4". The health nurse was very impressed with her weight gain!! I'm so glad she's healthy and growing as expected. She managed to sneak away with just a bit of stuffiness and a cute lil' cough when we were all sick last week!

I also took Emerson to the chiropractor this morning. We have a couple of friends who have taken their little ones to the chiropractor and I thought it might be a good idea! Last week she had a couple of rough days, she was very gassy and uncomfortable and I thought perhaps the chiropractor could help. Since then her stomach doesn't seem to be bothering her as much, maybe it was something I ate. But I took her anyways and the chiropractor did a few small adjustments and we'll go back next week and then when she starts sitting and then again when she starts walking. I did some research on chiropractors treating children and read that they may be able to help children with reoccurring ear infections. So I told Dr. Roth about Blake's ear infections and I will probably bring him in as well!

Last Tuesday was Cal's first day back at work. We really missed having him at home! But the kids and I did have a good week by ourselves. I finally made it back to the YMCA to sign Blake up as a member. He is quite proud of his membership card!! We're very happy with all the programs that are now available to Blake! We registered him for Bubblers beginning in April. The class is on Thursday's from 5:30 to 6:00. We also registered him for My First Preschool. It begins in May, on Fridays from 11:15 to 12:15. Then, on top of that there are programs every week day morning for members. Mondays and Thursdays are a music class, Tuesdays are craft day and Wednesdays are game day. I can't wait to take Blake!! We're going to try out the music class on Thursday. Then there is the playgym that we can use anytime. It was recently renovated and Blake loves the new equipment!

On Thursday evening my Mom and Aunty Kathy came over for a visit. My Aunt was visiting from Saskatchewan. On Thursday evening my sister also came for a visit! She came down on the Red Arrow. I picked her up and she stayed overnight. Blake was very excited to see his Aunty Linds in the morning! The surprise on his face was priceless!!

On Friday morning my New Moms Group had a "Welcome Emerson" party. They are such a wonderful group of ladies! I'm very lucky to belong to such a great group. Blake had a blast at the party and Emerson slept right through it :) We also visited some more with my Aunt on Friday and went for dinner with my family and cousin Skylar and her boyfriend Dan. It was Skylar's 18th birthday on Friday, so she was glad to be in Alberta where the legal age is 18!!

My Mom and sister organized a baby shower for Emerson on Saturday. They did a great job! The decorations, food and games were all awesome!! We had a lot of fun visiting with everyone. Emerson, once again, slept through the whole party! She was supremely spoiled by everyone and now has a closet full of adorable clothes :) It was so kind of people to also bring Blake a big brother gift! He had fun opening a few of them and running around, playing and people watching!! Cal and I both enjoy "people watching" and when Blake is around a lot of people, he often stands back and just watches what is going on!! After the shower, we invited our family and a couple of friends back to my parents house for dinner. For the first time ever, Blake and Emerson and all their cousins were together! Both of Cal's sisters, Kathy and Carmen, and all their kids came down from Grande Prairie for the weekend. It was great to have everyone together :)

We don't have too many plans for the rest of the week. Heading to the Y at least one morning and hopefully going to the mall to try out our new double stroller. Blake has been test driving it around the front room and kitchen! He seems to really enjoy it, so hopefully he'll like riding on it just as much at the mall!! It is a sit and stand stroller. He prefers to stand! This weekend is pretty open as well. Cal has a baseball draft on Saturday afternoon and other than that we're free!! Hopefully we'll get some things done around the house. I'd also like to go see the new Gap and Banana Republic Outlet in South Edmonton Common. I hear they have some pretty awesome deals and I need clothes!!!

Take care everyone! Happy St. Patrick's Day - go out and enjoy a green beer :)


1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Wow, 4 weeks already! Big girl, Emerson! You absolutely are a beautiful and healthy baby girl! :) I think Blake will sure enjoy the YMCA card! What a great deal... and sounds like they have fantastic programs! Enjoy a quiet weekend! :)
Lesley, Gerry and Colby