Sunday, March 22, 2009

Emerson's 1st Oilers Game!!

On Tuesday Cal and I took Emerson to her very first Oilers game!! I felt a little bad because Blake hasn't been to a game yet :( Hopefully next year we'll take him to a game! When we take him we want to have really good, close seats because it would be hard for him to see much otherwise. I carried Emerson in a Snuggli and she slept the majority of the game! It was good game, with the Oilers winning in a shoot out. Emerson moved to her crib on Thursday night. She seems to like it and continues to sleep well. Laying her down can be a bit of a challenge some days, but once she's asleep in her bed she sleeps very well. She loves to sleep on or with us and I often sneak her into our bed when she wakes up in the morning! I love snuggling with her and watching her sleep! The peaceful look on her face is so beautiful :)

Thursday morning the kids and I headed to the mall with my Mom to try out our new double stroller. We had a good morning until we went to leave. I locked my keys in my car and while we were waiting for Cal to come rescue us, Blake puked all over the stroller, himself and then all over me :( On the way home he was sick again. I think he is finally doing a bit better. He's still really tired and has a nasty cough (not croup though), but he hasn't been sick to his stomach in 24 hrs and hasn't had diarrhea or a fever for almost 24 hours so I really, really hope he's getting better. He's such a tough little guy and handles being sick really well, but I feel so sorry for him. We do love all the extra cuddles though!!

Blake is talking more and more each day and is putting together a lot of sentences. It's so much fun to interact and talk with him and to just sit back and watch him learn and discover. He picks up on things so fast! When Heidi barks he always says, "Oh, Heidi barking!" But yesterday when Emerson sneezed, Blake said, "Barking Emerson!" We laughed so hard!!!! And of course explained that Emerson wasn't barking, she was sneezing! The other word he uses a lot is, "Broken!" If you have a hole in your socks, a snag in your sweater, your jeans are worn out, etc, etc, Blake points to the spot and says, "Broken." He is often very concerned with what Emerson is doing and loves giving her kisses! Of course every time he talks or does anything, I think it's the cutest thing in the world :)

Cal's not feeling great right now. Thankfully tomorrow is his Monday off. Hopefully he can beat whatever it is he caught asap!! I need him to be feeling good!!!

I can't believe it snowed on the first day of Spring. Boooo!!!!! Is it just me, or has this been an unusually long, cold, snowy winter?! Let's hope for Spring weather soon :)

Have a great week everyone!

Luv Tracy


Anonymous said...

I want spring too!!
"barking Emerson" thats hilarious!!
Love you guys
Get better already!!!!!
j Ry and Austin

Gerry and Lesley said...

Ha ha!! Barking Emerson! So cute and very creative of Blake! At least he connected the two ideas together!! :) Now Cal is sick too... my goodness, hope you are all feeling much better soon!!
Love ya!