Monday, March 30, 2009

6 Weeks Old Today!

Wow! Today Emerson is 6 weeks old. Hard to believe!! Unfortunately she has caught a cold :( She's very stuffed up and has a cough. Last Monday and Tuesday nights she slept SO good. She went to bed at a decent time and slept 10 hours on Monday night and 9 on Tuesday night. The rest of the nights weren't as good. She always sleeps between 5-7 hours at night, but it's been hard putting her down. She didn't seem to think she should go to bed until midnight! I don't think so!!! Last night was better again, so hopefully once she gets over this cold she'll be back to how she was at the beginning of last week. I noticed this weekend that she is becoming a lot more social. She is smiling now and it's not due to gas!! I love it when I'm talking to her and she smiles! She's also enjoying her playmat and the toys on her bouncy chair. I've caught her smiling at them and cooing and talking! It's so cute :) This afternoon we took her to the Dr. to have her cold checked out and sure enough, it is just a virus. Hopefully it will clear up quickly. On the Dr.'s scale she weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. I told the nurse that at the health unit 2 weeks ago she weighed 9 lbs. The nurse thinks that their scale is more accurate then the health unit's? Who knows, we'll just say she's "around" 9 lbs!

This weekend was very fun and busy!! On Friday my Mom and sister picked the kids and I up. I'm sure we were quite the sight all in one car! We went to a bridal store first and I tried on a gazillion bridesmaid dresses! We found 2 that we liked, but will keep looking. We probably don't need to order them until May or June. After dress shopping we went to a sushi restaurant that Lindsay had been to before. It was AMAZING!!! Yummy! Blake enjoyed the Miso soup!! After lunch we went to a few outlet stores in South Edmonton Common and then headed to Stony. Cal came out after work and we stayed overnight. Cal and Dad were in a curling bonspiel on the west end on Saturday. Mom and Blake went in to watch their early game and Lindsay, Emerson and I went in to watch their second game. Apparently Blake had a great time at the rink! Lindsay and I stopped at Kingsway after the game and then met my Mom and Blake at the Tri-leisure Centre play gym in Spruce Grove. He loves climbing up all the equipment and going down the slides, etc! Afterwards, we went for dinner and then back to Stony. Cal and Dad got home a little bit later and we stayed overnight again. On Sunday morning the kids were up early, so we packed up and headed to the city to watch our nephew Dylan play hockey. We had fun cheering him on! They won the game and played in the final on Sunday evening.

Blake is finally feeling better and back to himself. Last week was a bit rough! We took him into the Dr. on Tuesday because his cough and cold was getting so bad. He had an ear infection and will be done his antibiotics on Thursday. It was tough juggling the 2 kids last week because Blake was so sick and wanted cuddles all the time, which was hard with Emerson in my arms! Thankfully Cal was off on Monday and I spent Friday with Linds and Mom. On Thursday we went to the YMCA and he played a bit, but just wasn't himself. Saturday is when he was finally really back to himself. Blake's newest trick is opening doors. He's been able to reach the doorknobs for awhile, but recently figured out how to turn the door knob and open (and slam shut) the door! So we've put childproof knob's on a lot of the doors!! He definitely keeps us on our toes!

I really hope this warmer weather means fewer illnesses in our house. We've had our share the past 6 months! I'm working on Emerson's baby announcement and hope to have them ordered by the end of the week. We also have all of our recent family pictures back. As usual, they're all so good!! It's hard to pick a favorite family picture! But I hope to order some enlargements soon.

Take care everyone!

Luv Tracy

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