Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day :)

Here's hoping you all had a fantastic Mother's Day! We had a great day! I got up with Em early this morning and then after feeding her, returned to bed until 10:30 am. It was great! Blake even came into our bedroom at one point and I thought that was the end of my sleeping in, but he let me go back to sleep!! When I woke up I opened my Mother's Day card and much to my surprise there was a pair of Kenny Chesney tickets inside! I'm very excited about this concert! I've been talking about wanting to go for months now! I hear it is the ultimate country concert. Apparently he puts on an amazing show! My super awesome husband talked to my super awesome Mom and together they bought 2 tickets for the 2 of us to go!! And better yet, they are wicked seats! I can't wait! Blake also made me a very cute card at preschool last week! I has a very sweet poem inside :) My parents came over shortly after I woke up and we had brunch. Jeremy and Lindsay stayed overnight last night, so they were already here. The rest of the day was spent around the house mostly. I went to the Running Room with Linds and Mom, we finished Linds and Jer's wedding invitations, we played outside with Blake, checked out Linds and Jer's new quad and trailer, and then later in the evening Cal and I continued to pack our trailer!! It was a gorgeous day outside and nice to just hang out and enjoy the weather and company :) I definitely know I am one lucky Mom!!!

Blake's 2nd birthday party was on Saturday. We had a full house and it was lots of fun! Blake certainly enjoyed himself. His main focus was cake and presents! He wasn't too interested in eating supper, he wanted to get to the cake (although just before supper he stood at the counter and ate half a veggie tray, so he may not have been too hungry)!! And he hadn't even seen the train cake Cal and I made on Friday night. We really felt it didn't quite measure up to his dinosaur cake from last year, but as soon as Blake saw it he said, "Choo choo!" We were very happy that he recognized it as a train!! After I blew out his candle for him, we let him and the other kids dig into it! I had tears in my eyes as we were singing happy birthday to him!! So silly, but I'm just so proud of him and can't believe how fast he's growing up! He was so cute too when we were singing to him. He had an adorable little grin on his face :) The cake was devoured quite quickly. After cake, Blake - with a lot of help from a few of the others, opened his gifts. They all had fun ripping into the wrapping! We had a great time and thank everyone for coming and for the wonderful gifts! We look forward to Blake's 2nd year and all the new experiences to come! The first two years have been beyond amazing, indescribable and I can only imagine what's to come.

Have a great week everyone! We are looking forward to Friday, when we will be heading out for our first camping trip of '09!

Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson

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