Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

We started out this morning bright and early! Cal was running in the Cops for Cancer Canada Day Road Race today, so he left the house at 6 am! The plan was for the kids and I to meet him at the finish line. I woke Blake up at 7:15 and we headed to the Alberta Legislature grounds. We got there around 8:00 and the grounds were already filling up! There was a free pancake breakfast, amongst other entertainment. It was a beautiful morning, so the kids and I strolled around the grounds and checked things out, then we headed over to the finish line. Cal crossed the line at 1 hour and 17 minutes! He was very happy with the run. I'm not up on all the "running lingo" but he will be posting more details on his blog later in the day ( Later in the morning we met my parents for brunch and tonight we are having a BBQ!

Blake started another set of swimming lessons on Monday evening. This class is on Mondays and Wednesdays for 4 weeks. Cal said he had a lot of fun and especially loves jumping off the side of the pool and going down the slide!

It's a bit strange having a STAT holiday in the middle of the week! I keep thinking it's Friday! Tomorrow Blake, Emerson and I are heading to Servus Place. Em and I start our Aquababies class on Monday morning. During the class Blake will be playing at the drop-in childcare centre. So tomorrow we are visiting in hopes that on Monday he will not play shy!! I'm really looking forward to our Aquababies class! I took the class with Blake and we both really enjoyed it. I'm sure Emerson will love it too, as she loves being in the water! There is a Salsa Tots class starting next Tuesday that I am contemplating taking. It is geared towards families, so you can attend with your spouse and all your kids! But it's during the day, so it would be Blake, Emerson and I! Emerson would salsa in the wrap! I absolutely LOVED Salsa Babies with Blake, so hopefully this class will be as good!

My sister and Jeremy are staying over night tomorrow night, then on Friday the kids and I are hanging out with my Mom and Linds. Friday night we're going to take my Dad out for a Father's Day supper (he was in Alaska on Father's Day) and later in the evening my Mom, sister and I are going to a movie.

Cal continued the fence painting last night. We're getting there ... slowly but surely! What is done looks really good! Apparently we're expecting rain during the next 5 days, so we may have to take another hiatus!!

This week we've been busy planning our holiday time. Just trying to figure out where we're going! We think we've finally decided!! We are going to head to Jasper for the September long weekend with my parents and friends Erica, Dion and Danielle. Then on the Monday my parents, Cal, the kids and I are going to drive to the Shuswaps. On the Saturday Cal, the kids and I are going to drive to Okotoks and visit the Hrdlicka's, the Bezan's, and the Calgary zoo!! Cal has 2 weeks off, so we won't be in a hurry to head home! And by that time, Lindsey (Bezan) will hopefully have had her baby and I'll get to meet him when he's only a few days old!!! AND I'll get to see Candace's prego belly! LOL! Can't wait, it will be a great 2 weeks :)

Happy Canada Day everyone!

Luv Tracy

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