Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bye, bye summer! Time to slow down ...

And what a great summer it was!! Today Cal headed back to work :( He was off for 18 days!!! And with his return to work, also comes the end of our summer! Officially, fall begins at 3:18 pm. All of our camping trips are over for the '09 season and our calendar is looking a bit clearer. Which is a good thing ... I guess!! We still have lots of exciting events coming up, we just won't be quite as busy as the past few months!

We would like to send a great big congratulations out to Cal's brother Gerry and his wife Lesley and son Colby!!! They welcomed a baby girl, Jenna Ann, to their family on September 21 at 9:39 am. Jenna was 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 3/4 " long! We were lucky enough to meet her yesterday afternoon! She is adorable and looks quite a bit like her big brother!! We could not believe that Blake and Emerson were once that small :( Crazy how fast you forget. We can't wait to visit again and cuddle Jenna :0) We wish Lesley a speedy recovery from her c-section and I am personally sending all my patience vibes her way!!!! I don't have much to share, but know how many you need with a newborn and 22 month old at home!

So as I mentioned earlier, we are slowing down quite a bit from previous months! Blake is still attending My First Preschool at the YMCA on Monday mornings and other than that we have no scheduled programs. Blake starts swimming lessons again at the end of October and we are going to start swimming with Emerson soon too! I still might register for Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn at the library, but I'm not so sure the time will work for us. It starts at 10:15 and Em is usually getting up from her morning nap around that time. It will be nice when she's down to one nap a day - that way we'll have the morning free at least!!

Today is the first day in many weeks that we've been home without something going on and I think Blake is enjoying it!! He's having fun playing with his trucks and trains and having a "lazy" day! He plays so great by himself and with Emerson. I love watching them "play" together! He's so great with her and really tries to include her! I sit her in the toy area and he gets the nursing pillow and puts it behind her and piles up her toys in front of her!! After awhile, he usually gives her one of his trucks as well - but not at first!!! Emerson is getting more and more fun as the days pass. She's enjoying playing with toys more now and loves jumping in her Jumperoo! She can stand at the couch for a few seconds by herself and enjoys it quite a bit! She still doesn't like being on her tummy. I wonder if maybe she won't crawl? We'll see!! She's eating more and more each day, but is still having #2 issues! Hoping that clears up really soon. I don't want her to be on Lactulose forever. No teeth yet, but there is one very, very near the surface.

Cal had a golf tournament Thursday afternoon/evening, so my Dad babysat the kids for a few hours while my Mom, Lindsay, Kelly and I were at the Tim McGraw concert and he was golfing. Blake thought it was pretty funny that Grandpa had to change his poopy diaper!!! Poor Grandpa doesn't care too much for diaper changes! But he's a great Grandpa and he toughed it out - Thanks Dad :) (and not just for changing the poopy diaper! lol!) The concert was SO GOOD!! Much better than the last time we saw him at Commonwealth. And Cal won an IPOD Touch at the golf tourney!! Tonight I'm going to Keith Urban with my friend Renee ... CAN'T WAIT!!!

I hope everyone had a fabulous summer and here's to an even better fall!

xoxo Tracy

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

So glad you guys had a wonderful holiday! You deserve it! Thank you for the congratulations and well wishes! We are excited that we have another Cameron girl in the family! :) Things are definitely winding down and the weather sure shows it too! Fall is upon us! Hope everyone in your house is feeling better very soon!! Take care and see you soon!
Lesley xoxo