Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fall is upon us ...

Brrr!!! It is chilly outside! We finally broke down and turned the furnace on :( The wind has been brutal the last few days. We have one of those really tall, skinny trees (not sure what it's called!) in our backyard, right outside our bedroom window and I keep thinking it's going to snap in half!

Blake, Emerson and I all have colds :( Hopefully Cal won't catch it, but the odds aren't in his favor! Blake and I are doing pretty good, I noticed that it is a lot easier to deal with Blake and his cold now that he is older! He can actually blow his nose and understands what is going on!! Emerson on the other hand, isn't so easy to help! She hates us wiping her nose and of course can't blow it, so she's stuffed right up. Poor girl :( It's been about 3 days, so hopefully it will clear up asap!! Thankfully they're both sleeping really good at night still. Emerson had one rough day with naps, but other than that she's napped good, which I think will help fight it off faster?!

Other than the cold, Emerson is also teething. One corner of a tooth on the bottom is just through! It seems to come up and go down daily, which I'm sure is causing some discomfort!! I remember with Blake, once the first tooth came through the rest were quick to follow and I can feel 4 more in Emerson's mouth that are right there, so maybe they'll all pop out together! She is definitely not quite as eager of an eater as Blake was. He would vibrate with excitement when we first started feeding him!! She's a bit slower and doesn't eat as much. So far her favorites are the cereals, squash, prunes and applesauce! She doesn't mind peas, but isn't crazy for carrots or sweet potato! She loves drinking water from her sippy cup, but hasn't quite mastered using it herself yet!! She's still taking Lactulose, but her prescription will be running out soon. Not sure what we're going to do if she's not regular yet at the end of the prescription! I guess visit the Dr. again. We pulled out some more toys for Emerson. She enjoys standing up at the couch, so we brought up a few more standing toys!

Blake is also enjoying the toys we brought up from the basement!! It's pretty funny to see him hunched over pushing the walker around!!! He's had a few hard days with this cold. Just overtired and a bit cranky :( He didn't have much fun at preschool yesterday. We were debating taking him, but he already missed one when we were on vacation, so we took him. Hopefully next week he'll be feeling better and back to having fun!! He's cracking us up lately with his use of the word something. For example, he says, "What's this Mom? A tractor or something?" So if he doesn't know exactly what an object is he'll say, "or something?" LOL!! Or if someone is upset he might say, "Emerson not happy or something?" But something sounds like sometin!! This morning he put a toy in the trunk of his ride on car so the seat was tipped up, climbed on and said, "I riding my motorbike Mom!" And then he said, "I need a helmet" and went and put on his hockey helmet!!! I laughed SO hard, it was so funny!!! The only way I could get a picture was to tell him that Dad and Grandpa would want to see!! He's just too cute :)

I had an ultrasound appointment yesterday. My Dr. thinks I might have gull stones (or is it gallstones?!), so hopefully the ultrasound will confirm/deny that. I should hear in a few days. Cal worked from home yesterday so I didn't have to take the kids with me to the appointment. It's nice to have him home! But when he goes back to work Blake's not too happy!! This morning he wanted Dad to get him up and changed and dressed and then he said he wanted Dad to read the Daddy book!! He always wants Cal to read the Mercer Mayer, Just Me and My Dad book to him! Followed by the New Baby book and Grandma and Grandpa Love Their RV! Such a man of routine, Blake is!!!

We hope everyone is having a good week and keeping warm! Take care :)

Luv Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Fall is definitely here, isn't it?! Hope your colds go away quickly and we can get together again soon. Poor Em with her teething troubles. :( Give her a big hug and kiss for me, please! Blake cracks me up with the things he comes up with! I love that "or something"! Too cute! Stay warm and cozy to feel better soon. xoxo Lesley