Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Happy 9 Month Birthday Em!!

Emerson turned 9 months old yesterday! I had hoped time would not pass as quickly as when Blake was a baby, but instead it has gone by faster!! Of course, the busier you are the faster time passes. When Emerson turned 6 months old I could not believe six months had passed and now just like the snap of my fingers 3 more months have passed!! We've had a great 9 months, learning and growing and enjoying our new addition! I can't imagine why I thought I was busy with just 1 child?! Emerson had her 9 month pediatrician appointment today. As I've said in the past few posts, Emerson has not been feeling well and Blake was also sick to his stomach Friday night and has had zero appetite since then, so I was glad we had an appointment today. Dr. Radisic checked both kids and said they likely have a virus and it should run its course and they'll be fine. Thankfully Blake was only sick to his stomach for approx. 8 hours and since has just not been eating well. Emerson's been sick to her stomach off and on for 2 days, has diarrhea and seems to have no appetite. She actually lost weight since her last appointment at 7 months. But Dr. Radisic was not concerned with her weight. He said that when a baby has not been feeling well or eating well they can drop in weight quite quickly, so when she's feeling better and eating better we can bring her back for a weigh in just to make sure she's gaining again. She is certainly a pickier eater than Blake. She seems to have her favorites and doesn't accept new foods very quickly! I tried plain yogurt with her last week, but she didn't like it! Guess I'll try the flavored yogurt next! She really enjoys finger foods and loves cheerios and puffed wheat cereal. She still only has her 2 bottom teeth and I don't feel any others that are really close to the surface. Hopefully she'll start eating better again soon and gain some more weight. At 16 lbs 4 oz she is not quite in the 10th percentile. Her length was 26.8", which is in the 25th percentile. She's meeting and exceeding many developmental milestones and is a strong little girl! She's very, very chatty and we love hearing her "talk"!! She enjoys picking up and playing with lots of different toys and loves when we read to her! I'm looking forward to getting a few more of her own toys at Christmas!! And maybe a few books that aren't about trucks or trains?! I asked Dr. Radisic about crawling and he said there are no concerns at all with her not crawling yet. Looking back on my blog posts, I see that Blake crawled right around 10 months. I really hope she starts feeling better soon. She's very tired and seems like she doesn't have any energy. Hard to believe that in THREE months she will be ONE!! Wow!!

Talk to you again soon,

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