Saturday, November 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Today is the 1st anniversary of my 29th year ;) 29 and holding from here on out ... ! We had a good day today! Did a little shopping this afternoon with my Reitmans gift card (from Cal and the kids) and bought a new top for our family pictures tomorrow. Mom, Dad and Lindsay came over this afternoon and made a delicious supper, which was followed by some yummy cake! Oh and I cracked a bottle of wine for dinner! Which I needed ... lol!! I got two other gift cards from Mom & Dad (Lululemon) and Linds and Jer (Riki's), so I can't wait to do some more shopping!! I really need some new clothes, so I'm excited :) Thanks everyone!!

Blake was sick to his stomach throughout the night on Friday night. Poor guy :( He's such a trooper though. We ran out of sheets and his special blankies (he has 3), so he ended up sleeping on a towel on his mattress and using a choo-choo blankie (which he gave to Cal a long time ago and thinks of as Dad's blankie!!)! He was very sleepy today and slept in quite late, took a long nap and still went to bed by 7:30. He wasn't sick to his stomach today, so hopefully he's back to normal!

Emerson is still having a tough time occasionally and cranky off and on through out the day and night. Some days are worse then others, but it's been like this for around a week and a half now. It seems like she is pain at times, but we have no idea what's going on, just guesses!! It is so hard to not know what is wrong or what to do. Thankfully we have a pediatrician appointment on Tuesday. Her cheeks are still very rosey and her bowel movements are not what I think are normal. But then again, I don't really know what is normal at this point. She is still very happy at times too, thank goodness!! Not upset all the time.

Emerson and Blake seem to be interacting more and more each day - it is so adorable :) Yesterday Emerson was sitting on the couch and Blake was standing in front of her talking to her. He kept saying to her, "So beautiful Em, so beautiful!" She was smiling and laughing and throwing her head back!! And he was laughing and having fun! I love how they "talk" and play! He's such a great big brother!! The other night he even helped her eat her supper! I love how gentle and paternal he is at times. He's such a loving little guy though - even with Heidi and his stuffed animals. He often hugs Heidi and says, "I love you Heidi." And does the same thing with his stuffed animals! This week his favorite was Grover!! He told me many times this week, "I love Grover Mom!" He enjoys being part of Emerson's bed time routine too. He always turns her humidifier on, gives her a hug and kiss, then tells Cal it's is turn! He then says goodnight and closes her bedroom door as he and Cal leave her room!! He calls her blueberry or Miss Muffin and he'll tell Cal to say, "Good night blueberry or Goodnight Miss Muffin or sometimes Goodnight blueberry Miss Muffin!!!!" It sounds like he's saying Muffin, but it could be Muffet?! One evening after supper I was talking to my Mom on the phone and when I hung up he asked if Grandma was coming over. I told him she wasn't coming over and he looked at me and said, "But I want to give Bamma a hug." I melted!!! We called Grandma back to say goodnight and tell her he wanted to hug her, I'm sure she melted too!! He has memorized many of his favorite books now. It's hilarious to hear him recite an entire book! But hard to follow at times, because he gets so excited and talks SO fast!!

Emerson woke up from her nap this afternoon, on her stomach with her foot stuck in her crib railing! I was pretty surprised when Cal told me how he found her!! On her stomach is not her favorite position, so I'm not sure why she rolled to her stomach?! But maybe she's starting to try to move? I think she'll start moving soon. She gets her bum up in the air a little bit now when she is on her stomach and rotates too!

We're looking forward to family pictures tomorrow morning and attending a birthday party in the afternoon. We're trying out a new photographer in Sherwood Park. She's just began her photography business, so hopefully we'll at least get one good family picture! I sure miss Rose, our former photographer who moved to B.C. :(

We've had above average weather lately. We went to the "special park" on Monday when Cal was off. Blake loves playing on the fire truck there! We'll probably take him there again this Monday, as Cal is off again. The kids and I started a new program at the library on Thursday morning. Blake and Em both had fun!! Emerson loves music, just like her brother!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend! Have a great week ahead ;)

Luv Tracy

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