Thursday, November 5, 2009

Our Deep Thinker :)

Blake is 2 1/2 years old today!! Hard to believe! He is such an amazing little boy. Keeps us (and his sister at times!) very busy, but he is a very good kid and such a joy :) He is constantly thinking and pondering things. It's pretty amazing at times what he asks/tells us! For example, we were eating lunch yesterday after preschool and he said, "Tristan not at preschool?" So I told him that no, Tristan was not at preschool because he is not feeling well. And Blake said, "Tristan feel better next time?" So I said, yes hopefully Tristan will feel better soon! And Blake said, "Tristan be at preschool next week!"

At supper tonight he asked me if Owen made another pumpkin. I was a bit confused and had to think about it for a moment, before I realized what he was talking about. Last week at preschool the kids made pumpkins out of construction paper for their craft. We took our pumpkins home with us, but Owen forgot his pumpkin! So yesterday at preschool Cindy asked the teacher if she still had it. The teacher went to look for it and came back with the pumpkin! Apparently Blake saw this all and at supper time was thinking about it and wondering why Owen made another pumpkin!! So I just explained that Owen had forgot his pumpkin at preschool last week and Blake said, "Oh." And he continued on eating supper!!

At bath time we often play with foam letters and numbers. Lately Blake has been interested in the numbers. He shows me a number and I try to correlate it to something, such as the two - I tell him that is a two and Blake is two. And he often says, "Who else?" So I tell him Colby is turning two soon. Etc, etc, it goes on with all the numbers and people in our lives!! Last night he was holding up numbers and telling me, "Em turn 1 soon and Jenna turn 1 soon," etc, etc and then he said, "Thomas is 1," and then he'd hold up a different number and say, "Henry is 3," etc, etc, with all the Thomas trains!!! It was so cute! He was so excited to have made the connection between his favorite choo-choo's, people in his life and his numbers!!!

These are just a few examples of how he thinks!!! He does seem like a very serious boy to us! But I think it is partly due to the fact that he is always thinking, contemplating, pondering, etc!! I was telling my Mom last night that sometimes I just wish he'd let loose!!! Like yesterday at preschool they were playing a parachute game and some of the other kids were jumping up and down and screaming and looking like they were having a hoot, while Blake was holding onto the parachute with a very serious look on his face, shaking it up and down - just like he was told to do! I told my Mom that sometimes I think he's too serious for a 2 1/2 yr old!!! But, he does have his fun, crazy times too! They're just usually at home!! And usually they involve dancing to "his music!"

We're hoping to get Blake and Emerson their H1N1 vaccinations this afternoon after their naps. I hope the line ups will be a bit more reasonable then last week. Have a great day everyone :)

Luv Tracy

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