Wednesday, January 27, 2010

High Chair Gymnastics!

That's our Emerson! She likes to stand up in her high chair now! So the belts are on!! We haven't had to put the tray or her seat belt on, but with these newest antics we are! She also gets on her knees and leans over the side ... not too safe!! We've noticed a huge difference in her movement the past 2 weeks. She loves standing at the front picture window and has started slowly walking from the middle to the side. Funny thing though, I think she can only walk to the left!!? She gets to the far left side and never comes back! lol!! We watch out the front window every day for Cal to come home! Blake usually plays with cars on the front window ledge and Em watches out the window and laughs and does her little walk!! She loves standing there and she gets SO excited when she sees Cal. It is very sweet! She starts yelling, "Da, da!" and, "Hi Da!" I'm sure it makes Cal's day :)

I don't know how Blake can get much funnier, but he seems to come up with something new everyday that cracks us up!! He has an excellent grasp on common slang and phrases, such as, "I think that will do!" or every time someone says, "Hey!" he says, "Hay is for horses!!" lol!! And his memory ... my goodness, I don't know how he memorizes everything in his life, but I swear he has a better memory then me!! No kidding!! Cal also has an amazing memory and memorizes everything, so we think Blake takes after Cal in that regard! He brings things up from long ago that make me think for a minute before I realize, yep that's right!! We don't even question him most of the time, we just take his word to be true! He insisted that we were missing the "Mom" from Emerson's Little People dollhouse. Neither Cal nor I had any idea what she looked like, but we searched the house and still couldn't find her! So the next day when we were at Toys R Us, we checked the doll house there and then came home and searched again! We realized we hadn't looked in the very bottom basement, so Blake went down there and sure enough there she was!! We had no doubt Blake was right and there was a "Mom" missing!!!! A few nights ago he wanted me to lay in bed with him and read a book while he read his own book. I asked him to read his book to me first and then I would read my book to him. He read his book almost word for word. Afterwards I told Cal and we were trying to figure out the last time either of us read that book to him and we think it was at least 7 months ago! Hopefully this memory of his helps him in school!! I know it served Cal well!

We had a lot of fun at Preschool on Monday. Miss Rhonda brought in a bunny rabbit from home and a 7 day old baby!! She fosters animals and children and had promised the week before to bring in a rabbit! The baby was more of a surprise, as they had been waiting quite a while for a baby boy! They hope to adopt Jacob eventually. Apparently the process is a very long one. Blake loved the bunny and spent lots of time petting it and staring at it!! We also stayed a few minutes after class to get some extra pets!!! I know when Blake gets older he's going to want to bring home every animal known to man kind! He loves animals, but I think having a cat is a good deterrent to getting any other animals ... can't get a bird, can't get fish, I don't think Jazz would get a long with a rabbit, etc, etc!! Cat and dog is good for this house! Unless we ever move to an acreage, then that's a different story!!!

Tomorrow we are going to a class called Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn at the Woodcroft library. It is a registered program at most Edmonton public libraries, but this session is drop-in this time around!

Friday Blake and I have gymnastics and Saturday potty training boot camp begins!!! I honestly don't know if Blake is ready, but we will give it a try and see what happens! If we're not successful this weekend, we'll wait and try again in a few months. We've been talking about it all week and on Tuesday we went and bought Elmo seats for the toilets! We do have two floor potties, but Blake apparently likes these seats better ... We have rewards and cool big boy underwear all ready!!! Fingers crossed it happens the first go around ... I'll let you know Sunday night!

Enjoy the remainder of your week and the upcoming weekend everyone :)

Love The Cameron's

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