Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back to Spring Temp's!

Saturday and Sunday have been gorgeous days!! +14 is SO nice! We had fun at the park yesterday afternoon. Blake loves going to the "good" park and playing with/on all the cool playground equipment and digging in the sand. Yesterday Emerson ate her first mouthful of sand ... yuck! We sat her down in the sand to play with Blake and the first thing she did was try to eat a big hand full!! I can't wait to play at the beach with the kids this summer when we're camping. It's going to be so much fun :)

My parents left for a three week vacation on Friday afternoon. We will miss them, but they bought us a web cam so we can Skype with them. We'll probably try it Tuesday night once they get to somewhere with a good Internet connection. I think Blake will find it very cool and it will be nice for them to see the grand kids while they're away!

We attended Beryln Parenteau's Baptism today. She is the daughter of our good friends Eric and Christa. Emerson and I enjoyed the service, while Cal and Blake had fun at Sunday School! It was the first time Blake had been to Sunday School and he really enjoyed it!! Emerson was very good during the service. She kept busy walking around chairs, snacking and shaking her bum during the hymns!!! She's quite the little dancer, it's very cute ;) After the service we went to the Parenteau's for lunch. We had fun and the kids did surprisingly well, considering they missed their afternoon naps. I guess if it only happens once in a blue moon, it doesn't affect them too much! Blake enjoyed chasing their dogs and cat around and playing with Christa's niece! Emerson was pretty cute walking around the furniture and smiling and making her cute scrunchy face at people!! She didn't play shy at all! The guest of honor had a little nap and reappeared to open gifts. She's sure a little doll!!!

This week I work Monday and Wednesday and then the following week (after Easter weekend) I start working Tuesdays and Thursdays until my position is filled. The job posting isn't even out yet - there's a lot of red tape to get through in AHS - so I'm sure I'll be working for a least another month. My Manager is so funny though, she keeps saying, "Thank you for doing this for us. We're so glad you can work 2 days a week until we find someone." And I'm thinking, no thank you!!! I'm not paying child care and this is exactly what I want! lol! Guess it's a win-win situation!!

Emerson is growing so fast. We take comparison pictures of her and Blake together every few months and she looks like she has grown 2" in the last 2 1/2 months! I'll have to take her to the health unit to be weighed and measured, just to see if that's the case. I know she's finally starting to grow into her 6-12 month Gap clothes!! 12 month clothes for the most part are still too big, but some are fitting. She's getting around on the furniture really fast, but has yet to let go and take a step! She has let go to take a drink or pick up a toy and stands there by herself, but as soon as she realizes she's not hanging onto anything she quickly grabs the couch, coffee table, etc!! She is such a little chatterbox, we just love it! She talks and talks and talks all day long. It's adorable! She can say a few words and often tries to copy us! Every time I tell her Ta-Ta, she says it back!! She also just starting saying Uh-Oh! If she drops something, she says Uh-Oh! I just love it!!! My favorite though, is her shouting Dad! If it's around the time Cal usually gets home from work and Heidi starts barking at the window. She'll bum scoot as fast as she can to the window or to the stairs if we're in the family room and all the while yelling DA? DA? DAAA??! And if she hears his voice and she's in another room, it's the same thing! So cute!! She loves her Mom, but I definitely see a bit of Daddy's girl in her :) We can't get over how cuddly and love able she is. She love, love, loves to cuddle with us and with her teddies and blankies. If she's tired she'll find something soft and cuddle into it and start sucking her thumb! One day I found her in the laundry room cuddled up to a tea towel and sucking her thumb! She looks so darn sweet when she cuddles with blankets, etc. Such a little sweetheart!

Blake seems to have slowed down in the growing department. He still eats like a horse though! I think he's a bottom less pit some days!! I've really noticed in the past few months that Blake is a lot less shy then he used to be, which is really nice. He's still not too keen on talking to adults, but he's really into playing with other kids and striking up conversations with them! It's cool to watch him interact with other kids! We can't decide if we're going to put him in preschool in September or not. We could, but I'm just not sure if that's rushing it and if it's really beneficial?? I keep thinking he's only 3! He's going to have many, many years of school ahead ... It's hard to decide whether or not he should go to preschool for 2 years or 1? We'll definitely do some library programs in the fall and in September we're probably going to put him into swimming lessons, which are unparented after age 3. Blake still amazes us with how good of a big brother he is. He's so cute with Emerson and they play well together. Lately he's been calling her "mousie" or "little mousie"!! We love the nicknames he comes up with!!

Have a great week everyone :) Let's hope Spring is here to stay and March goes out like a lamb!!


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