Sunday, March 21, 2010

Emerson's 1st Sleepover!

Yesterday, Emerson had her very first sleepover! Blake and Em stayed overnight at Grandma and Grandpa D's! From all reports, they had a lot of fun and did very well. Blake told me today that Em cried when Mom and Dad left, but then she went to the toys and played!! lol! Cal and I dropped the kids off at my parents house on Saturday morning and they came home Sunday around 11 am, so we were by ourselves for a whopping 24 hours!! We enjoyed the down time and had fun with friends Saturday night. It is hard to believe though, that just under 3 years ago that was the situation we were in - kidless!!! What in the world did we do with our time?!

I'm off to work tomorrow. Cal is home. I'm not sure what other day I'll be working this week, but tomorrow Kathryn and I (the O.T. I work with) are going to look at our appointment books and figure out which days it would be best for me to work.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We spent a lot of time outside this afternoon, the weather was so nice! Hoping this week is just as great!!

Take care,

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