Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Prenatal Appointment and Updates!

Quick update on baby!! I had a prental appointment this morning. I had no idea it was today ... I called at 10:30 to see when my next appt. was and it was today at 11:10!! Good thing I called when I did! So I packed up the kids and off we went. Emerson was not too happy about Mom being examined, poor girl :( Blake was a gem! I told him I was going to try to get ahold of Dad, so Dad could hold Em while Mom was seeing the Dr. So when we got to the clinic, Blake asked if Dad was coming and I said, no I think he's in a meeting. Blake said, that's okay Mom I'll watch Em! So as she's crying in the office, Blake is telling her, it's okay Em, it's okay. What a great big brother :) I saw Dr. Litke today, who is the Dr. that delivered Emerson!! The baby's heartbeat was around 170 bpm. The ultrasound and blood work I had done at the beginning of May came back negative, which is great news! And my due date hasn't changed. Now before the end of the week I have to get more blood taken. This test is for Spina Bifida. I lost 2 lbs in the month, but that was kind of expected seeing as how little I was keeping down! I lost almost 10 lbs early on with Blake's pregnancy, so 2 lbs is pretty minor!! I'll be seeing the Dr. again in 4 weeks!

Here are few conversations with Blake that I thought were cute :)
1) Blake: Where is the baby Mom?
Mom: In my belly!
Blake: Why?
Mom: It has to grow and get bigger and then Mom will go to the hospital and have the baby!
Blake: Dad too?
Mom: Dad will come with Mom to the hospital.
Blake: That's funny Mom!! (said with his eyebrows scrunched up and a half smile on his face!!)
2) Blake: Where will the baby sleep?
Mom: Remember, you are going to move into the big room with Emerson.
Blake: But what about the baby?
Mom: The baby will sleep in your old room.
Blake: No, I want the baby to sleep with us.
Mom: But the baby will cry at night and keep you awake.
Blake: No it won't Mom.
Mom: We'll see Blake ...
3) Mom: Ouch!
Blake: What happened Mom?
Mom: I hit my foot on a toy.
Blake: Oh. Can you still have a baby Mom?
Mom: Yes!?
Blake: Can Em have a baby?
Mom: Em might be able to have a baby when she's a big girl like Mom.
Blake: Yeah (I found it odd that he didn't ask if he could have a baby?!)
4) Blake: Can you help me carry my toys? I don't have enough hands. I should have three hands!!

Emerson is really getting around in the last two weeks. She's finally decided she likes crawling and is moving around crawling, bum scooting, rolling, walking along everything and pulling herself up everywhere, and going in between all the above!! We think the only reason she's not walking is pure stubborness ... she is a total princess who loves to be spoiled:) She is also learning more and more words. She loves to say socks and shoes! It's hilarious!! She really drags the "s" sound out! Ssssssockssssss!!!! I enjoy watching her learn new things and found her trying to put on her own socks the other day! She also knows the difference between dogs, cats and ducks and can point them out in her books. And she loves telling you that a duck says, "Quack!" She also says a few 2 word phrases! She's becoming more and more of a daddy's girl, which I know Cal loves!! Her facial expressions are priceless and say A LOT!! This weekend Julie and I were laughing at her expressions - they give a lot away!

Have a great week everyone :)

Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Baby!!

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

SO glad your pregnancy is going well and hopefully you're feeling 100% (or as close to as possible!) for the remainder! Can't wait to meet the newest little Baby Cameron. November is going to be here before we know it! :) LOVE the conversations Blake has. It's such a great age and so fun that they can converse so well! And adorable little Em... isn't a little baby anymore! Doing such big girl things! :)