Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nap transitioning ...

Blake dropped his morning nap around 18 months and I don't remember it being too difficult, but I believe that is because Karen was dealing with it 3 or 4 days a week while he was at the dayhome!! A little different when Mom and/or Dad are home 7 out of 7 days a week!! Emerson is definately ready to let go of her morning nap, it's just taking awhile to get there. She still gets tired in the morning, but if we put her down she doesn't take her afternoon nap, which leads to her being ready for bed by 4:30!! I've found that on the mornings we are out and about it is easy to keep her up, but the mornings we are home it's more difficult. She's not getting too cranky though, thankfully! And we've had some really great days where she's waited until 12:30 to nap and has napped for 2 to 2 1/2 hours and it's worked out fantastic.

At this point I am really uncertain as to whether or not Blake is ready to quit napping in the afternoon. If we lay him down to nap at 1 pm he falls asleep almost immediately and sleeps for 2 or 3 hours if we let him. The only problem is, he then takes way too long to fall asleep at night. Vs. when he doesn't have an afternoon nap, he's ready for bed at 7 and takes no time at all to fall asleep! And wakes up between 7 and 7:30. This past week on the days he hasn't napped in the afternoon he's been fine, not grumpy or winey or anything, although you can definately tell he's tired. And he's had more accidents ... Which is no surprise, he gets tired and is not paying as much attention to his body! Argh!! This week he had a nap 1 out of 5 days, so maybe we'll just see how it goes and maybe he'll just nap every few days and then eventually not need it! I hear that's often how it happens!!

Both kids are doing great! They're so much fun! Emerson's little personality is just getting funnier and funnier by the day! She's quite the little character, much like her big brother ;) I love how they play together and make eachother laugh! Em's been struggling with teething the last few days. She often gets a teething cold, as she has now. Those teeth are a lot of work for her! She is going out on a limb these last few days and standing up all by herself with out holding on to anything ... little daredevil at 15 months!!! lol! She's taken a few steps, so she'll be runnin' soon! Our kids sure do things on their own time tables, regardless of what anyone wants them to do/thinks they should do/what the books say, etc. etc.!! And good for them :) I kind of feel like that most of the time too - I'll do what I want to do, when I want to do it and I don't care what you say!

We had a nice, quiet weekend at home. Not much choice with the rain and snow we got! We enjoyed a nice dinner out this evening with my parents to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary (which is tomorrow)! Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad :)

The weather forecast is looking up, so here's to a great week!!

Take care everyone,

Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Baby

1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

Napping is one difficult issue... although sleep hasn't really been much of an issue with either of your kids from the start! I should've had you 'sleep train' my kids!! LOL! So exciting to hear that Em is taking some steps... good girl!! You'll be running after Blake in no time, I know it!