Monday, June 7, 2010

Good Times :)

We had a great weekend! It began with the International Children's Festival in St. Albert on Friday morning. The kids and I had a lot of fun! Blake greatly enjoyed the bus ride (there was a park n' ride available) ... Emerson on the other hand was not so fond of the bus ride :S Blake had a very cute balloon hat made for him, unfortunately it only lasted a few hours!! The kids enjoyed playing with the toys at the Education Station, Blake loved hopping into the driver's seat of a fire truck and touring the back of an ambulance! We caught a few acts on the main stage and Blake jumped his heart out in the bouncy houses!! It was getting pretty busy by the time we left at around 11:30 am, so I was very glad we went early!

Saturday morning we went "browsing" the shops on 137 ave, but came home empty handed! We did have the kids feet measured at the Shoe Company, which is a good thing, because apparently I didn't have their sizes correct!! Blake is a size 11 and Em is between a 3 and 4. Saturday afternoon we headed to the grand opening of a local park. We were really surprised by all the events they had planned! They had 2 bouncy houses, the Edmonton Eskimo cheerleaders dancing, demonstrations by a local martial arts school, a balloon artist, a fire truck, and a bbq earlier in the day! It was awesome and the park is amazing!! Even better then the park Cal, Blake and I refer to as the "good" park! And closer then the "good" park too!! We'll be making a few trips there this summer!! Saturday night Cal and I went through ALL the totes of boys and girls clothes that we have stacked up in our "wine cellar"!! It was a big job, I have sorted through them as I've stored them, but we thinned them out even more. There's a small amount I'll be taking to Once Upon A Child and a few gargabe bags of clothes that we'll take to Goodwill. I love looking through the kids smaller clothes and reminising :) We always hold up the outfits they came home from the hospital in and just can't believe they were big on them at one time!! It will be interesting to see how big this baby is! I wonder if he/she will be over 7 lbs?!

Sunday morning Cal and Blake went to Chapter's (on Blake's request!!) and Em and I went grocery shopping. Blake and Cal brought home 3 Bernstein Bears books (1 about the dentist, 1 called And Baby Makes 5 and 1 about going to school!)! Sunday afternoon we walked over to the Parenteau's for a BBQ. Our friend Dan and his family were in town, so it was a good opportunity to get everyone together. With most of us having kids (most with 2 or 3!) we don't get together as often as we used to!! Although the partying crowd (a.k.a. the kidless crowd!!) often see eachother! Over the course of the afternoon/evening there was a total of 18 adults and 17 kids there!! We had beautiful weather and lots of fun! A big thank you to the Parenteau's for hosting!!

And here we are ... rainy Monday :S Tomorrow is my last day of work at the Fort Saskatchewan Health Centre. I'm very excited to be done!! I think it's drug on so long, that I'm not even feeling sad about leaving! I expected to be done over a month ago. I've been feeling kind of "in limbo" waiting for my last day to arrive and feeling anxious to begin a new chapter in my life! I will miss some of my co-workers, but I'm sure I'll stay in touch! It's odd having my good friend Joelle taking over from me, but good at the same time! I will stay in the gossip loop anyway ;)

Have a great week everyone!


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