Friday, August 6, 2010

Growing up too fast!!

Mr. Blake:
Blake started his first ever non-parented swimming lessons yesterday evening!!  He did so well, we are very, very proud of him!!  He listened well to the instructor and actually did far better then I thought he would!  Not that we don't give him enough credit, we just thought he'd be a bit more upset that we weren't in the water with him.  One of the first games they played was chop, chop ... timber!!!  I remember playing that game as a kid in swimming lessons!!  The instructor asked him what kind of tree he was and he told her he was a blueberry tree :)  He had a lot of fun and is looking forward to the next lesson.  These lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 6:30 during the month of August.  And then it's September and Preschool starts!!  I'm really excited for him to start Preschool.  I think he'll really enjoy it :)  He loves crafts and singing and playing with other kids, so I'm hoping he'll have a great time!!  He has a backpack ready, we just have to get him a lunch kit to carry his snack in!  During Preschool, there is a program that runs in the playgym area.  Each day it is different - one day a craft, one day singing, etc., so Em and I will take that in while Blake's at school!  So for the most part things are going great with our growing little man!  I say for the most part, because this week a fear has popped up again :(  The dreaded scary man ... we know he is a character that Blake saw in a Scooby Doo cartoon and unfortunately he has reared his ugly head again and is causing chaos during Blake's bedtime and nighttime.  Blake has never, ever slept with us and has never, ever wanted us to sleep with him.  And we've even tried!!  At times when he's been under the weather we've tried to bring him into our bed so we could be near him and hopefully at least catch a few zzzz's, but it's never worked.  And just the same, since he's moved into his twin bed there's been times that he's being feeling ill and we've tried to lay with him and he'll tell us to go!!!  But now he wants us to sleep with him :S  All because of this "Scary Man."  I wish I could see this scary man and give him a piece of my mind!!  We've tried telling Blake everything from his teddy bears will protect him, to Heidi and Jazz don't let scary people in the house, etc, etc, etc ... doesn't work.  It's been 3 tough nights and we really, really do not want to get into having to lay with him until he falls asleep or even him sleeping in his bed.  We've never had sleep problems with Blake, so this is extra frustrating!!!  We'll see how this plays out ... wish us luck.

Miss Em:
Emerson will be 18 months old on the 16th!!  Where has the time gone?!  She is growing up so fast and is such a little cutie pie!!  She is such a little talker and parrot!!  She says everything she hears!  It's so cute and at times I'm so surprised by what she's said and I think that is because she is quite small for her age, most especially short!, and just looks like maybe she's a bit younger??!  I love hearing her talk though!  She copies absolutely everything Blake does ... she's his little shadow!  We like to remind him that Emerson is learning from him, so he better behave!!  Emerson is LOVING the Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn program we've been attending at the library.  She was quite shy during the first class, but has really loosened up!!  She stands for the majority of the class and claps, sings, attempts to do some of the signs and even approaches the teacher when she is handing out special instruments or books!!  And Blake used to take care of returning these things to the teacher when we were done with them, but Em now takes hers back all by herself!!  It's so great to see her interacting in this way.  I remember when Blake was around this age, also enjoying this stage and how much they change so fast and seem to learn so quickly!  I actually remember being a bit sad because I knew we had another baby on the way and I was worried I wouldn't get to enjoy Blake as much.  But, you live and learn and I wouldn't have it any other way :)  Love them both to pieces and can't wait to have another child in our family to love just as much and share our lives with!!

Baby is doing great!  We have our UC Baby appointment on the 19th, which we're really looking forward to.  This baby is very active in the evenings!  I think it's probably lulled to sleep during the day by all the movement and noise!!  Just today we were playing and Blake said he wanted to talk to the baby, so I said sure.  He said, "Hello baby!" to my stomach!!!  It was so cute :)  He then said, "That's a nice baby!"  lol!!  I think he's quite excited to have a new baby in the house and I'm sure he's going to be a great helper and big brother!!  Emerson is not as aware of the situation, but I do feel that she will be okay once the baby arrives.  I had my doubts early on, but she is quite taken with her dollies and babies and I think this will help!!  She has also learned to whisper and when we tell her the baby is sleeping she says, "Shhhhh ... !"  Which of course, is adorable!!!!  So we're hoping Em won't be too jealous :)  We've been looking for a big sister book for her, but will probably order one off of Chapter's online, since we haven't found any in the store.  I have a prenatal appointment next week and we've hired a doula.  I have a friend who used this doula with her last child and highly, highly recommended her.  So we met with Fiona from Pure Love Doula Care and I'm very excited to have her by my side!  I had an awesome experience with Blake's birth and in the end a not so bad experience with Em's birth, although had I had a doula I know things would have been different and the labour would have been not so chaotic.  This is most likely our last baby and I want this experience to be good ... most of all not chaotic!!!!  I know some people think it's crazy to spend money on a doula, but I'm happy with our choice and most of all glad that Cal is being supportive!!!  I will let you know what the babies heart rate is after my next appointment!!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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