Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer Fun!

It's been awhile ;)  Not sure where the last week and a bit went, but here we are, Sunday evening (and Big Brother night!!!). 

Last week seems to be a bit of a blur - partially due to some long nights with Blake.  He's still waking sometimes in the middle of the night, apparently scared :S  I now feel like Cal and I are over-reacting (a tiny bit!), but we were just so used to Blake going to bed quietly and easily.  Not to mention sleeping for 12 to 13 hours!  But after talking to quite a few other parents, we're thinking Blake was an exception to the rule!!  Regardless, we still plan on getting him back on track and hopefully sooner then later. 

Sunday night we promised Blake we'd go swimming if he had a good night and Cal was off Monday, so we all headed to Millennium Place Monday morning.  It was lots of fun, although we still prefer Servus Centre.  I think the pool at Millennium is best for ages 3 and up. 

Tuesday we had a picnic in the park with some of our New Mom's Group friends.  We all had a great time!  We definitely need to do that more often!  It's hard with all sorts of different napping schedules to find a time that works for everyone, but when we do the kids all have a blast and the Mom's enjoy the visit!

My Mom graciously offered to have Blake for 1 night on Wednesday, which was very nice of her!  They had fun and Blake slept well at their house!!  I enjoyed 1 on 1 time with Em and attending our last Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn class on Thursday.  Emerson did so well at these classes.  She now tries to sing the songs and do the hand actions as well.  All the way home on Thursday she was "singing" in the back seat!!  When we sing Itsy Bitsy Spider she tries to copy the actions, I love it!!  Blake had swimming lessons Thursday evening.  He continues to enjoy the lessons and is even doing a back float with the teacher (which is a big deal, he typically hates laying on his back anywhere other then in his bed)!!  Grandma and Grandpa D came to watch swimming lessons on Thursday and this Tuesday Cal's going to take him, so he has a chance to see how well he's doing :) 

We had a great time this weekend at Wabamun Provincial Park, camping with the Lupul's.  The weather was good, not too hot, not too cold, not too rainy!  We also enjoyed time spent with the Stony Plain Cameron's, who were camped with friends in another loop!  Saturday we spent a large portion of the day on the beach.  Blake LOVES the beach.  He plays in the water (not too deep though!) and the sand.  He can stay there happily for hours upon hours.  It's often hard to get him to leave!  Emerson doesn't get as much beach time, due to her afternoon nap, but enjoys herself when she does!!  She also loves camping and has so much fun, especially now that she's walking.  She really likes camping with the Lupul's because Madison pulls her in the wagon!  It's a perfect combination - Em loves being pulled in the wagon (much like a little queen in the back!) and Madison loves pulling the wagon!!  Emerson was also in love with Madison's doll's.  She toted those things around all weekend and could often be seen giving them hugs, patting their backs or putting them to sleep (soooo, so cute ... she puts them down on their backs, flips them to their tummies and then puts her finger up to her nose (and almost up her nose!!) and says, "Shhhh ... !")  We plan to buy her more dolls and clothes, etc. for Christmas, but I think that's a few too many months away!!  We'll have to get her a couple of things soon!!  It's so cute to see her in this little "Mommy" role :)

I'd like to say a HUGE HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY to my B.F.F.'s, Lindsey Ross (Aug. 15th) and Candace Hrdlicka (Aug. 17).  I hope you both have a fantastic birthday and 30th year :)  I am so lucky to call you my friends.  No matter how far apart we may live, we are closer then can be and that's what makes a great friend.  I wish I could be with you celebrating on your big day, but one of these years we will be done having babies/pregnant/bf'ing and we'll make up for it :)  Love ya' both so much. 

Have a great week everyone, can you believe August is almost over?!  If you're getting ready for back to school - enjoy!  I always loved this time of year - school supply shopping, new clothes, new shoes, fresh hair cut, planning your first day at school with your friends, wondering who your locker will be by ;)  So much fun!   


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