Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Em's 18 Months Old!!

It's hard to believe our little girl turned 18 months old yesterday. It's been an amazing 18 months!! Wow ... hard to explain or put into words. I'm sure all the other parents out there know what I mean :)

Em has grown and changed so much since her 1st birthday!  She's a walkin' and a talkin' up a storm!!  We love hearing her words and can't believe how many she says.  She is definitely more of a parrot then Blake was, and I think she is saying quite a bit more then average, due to having a big brother to mimic!!  Today my Mom came over for a visit and Em greeted her at the door with, "Hi Grandma!"  Em is a very happy little girl, but will certainly let you know when she's not or when there's something she wants.  She seems to have a bit of the Smith stubborn streak in her ... !  I love her "Uh Huh's" and "Uh Uh's" at appropriate times ;)  Em loves to read books, sometimes by herself and often with us.  If she wants us to read her a book she gathers her blankie and teddy, grabs a book and says "books", comes over to where ever we are, backs into our laps and says, "Sit?"  We just love it, it's so stinkin' cute!!  She knows the names of quite a few books, for example "Stop Train Stop" she calls "Stop" "Goodnight Moon" she calls "Moon" and the touch and feel Dinosaur book we have she calls "Saur"!!  Today Blake was watching Dinosaur Train and she pointed to the screen and said, "Saur!"  We do a lot of counting with Blake and Em is picking up on it!  Often when we start counting she puts up her hands and tries to count her fingers!!  She likes to say, "Two!"  As I've said before, Em also loves music and dancing!  She sure can shake her little hips!!  lol!  We think she's one smart little cookie :)

Emerson has her 18 month immunizations tomorrow morning and her 18 month pediatrician appointment next week.  I'm not looking forward to these appointments, as she really doesn't like any type of "medical" environment!  But, she hasn't been weighed and measured in ages, so I'm looking forward to seeing those numbers!!  We're also going to have Blake weighed tomorrow.  Hopefully he's a few pounds over 40 and we can permanently move him to a booster seat!!

Take care everyone, talk to you soon.


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