Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy Weekend!

Thursday night at hockey registration I found out that Blake had his first hockey practice this Saturday!!  We thought his first ice time might be next weekend (18th), not THIS weekend!  So Friday morning the kids and I ran out to our local sports store to pick up a practice jersey and hockey socks for the big guy.  Cal had an optometrist appointment Friday afternoon and was home early from work, which always makes us happy :) 

Emerson had a disruptive sleep on Thursday night.  We didn't have to go into her room, but she was crying out every now and then and then falling back asleep, etc, etc.  On Friday it seemed that she would cry every time she had to pee.  She'd be walking around and then all of a sudden bend at the waist and hold herself and say, "Pooooo." (she says poo regardless if she pee's or poos!) and cry a little bit :(  It kept happening over and over and I thought it was a bit odd, but she didn't have a fever so that night we put her to bed as usual.  She was not settling and kept crying and saying, "Poooo."  So I started thinking maybe she had a UTI or a bladder infection??  I wasn't sure, but I called Health Link and they suggested taking her in, which I did.  Three hours later, after putting a urine bag on her and getting a contaminated sample and attempting an in/out catheter the Dr. suggested coming back tomorrow if she became feverish or sick to her stomach.  Ugh ... sometimes I think I overreact when the kids are sick, but you just never know and I think you're better safe then sorry!  Although I would have rather spent my Friday night differently!!  Turns out, she does have a small diaper rash and maybe it was burning when she was going to the bathroom.  She hasn't had a fever or been sick to her stomach and seems much better :)

Saturday morning was a very busy few hours!!  We had to be out the door at 8:30 to take Blake to his 1st ever hockey practice!!  We were all very excited!  To the right is a picture of Blake getting all geared up :)  Cal volunteered as a Coach this year ... thank goodness!  Most of the kids on the ice had an adult with them, which was much needed!  It took Blake awhile to get his feet under him and much of the 1 hr on the ice was spent literally, on the ice!!  But he came off the ice happy and talking about next time, so it was a positive 1st experience :)  It was a full ice surface, with approx. 30 kids and 20 adults on the ice!!  The Initiation 1 and Initiation 2's shared the ice, but in the future just the Initiation 1's will have an ice slot.  After Blake got off the ice, we headed over to the YMCA for Emerson's 1st swimming lesson of this session.  As expected, she LOVED her swimming lesson!  She was smiling and giggling the whole time :)  Saturday evening I went to visit my friend Candace at her Mom's house in Beaumont.  It was great to see Candace, as usual!  I left there around 12:30 am to pick up Linds and Jer at the airport!  They were back from their two week vacation in Turkey and Greece.  It was great to see them and hear all about their fabulous vacation!!  They spent the night at our house Saturday.

Sunday morning we went for brunch with Lindsay and Jeremy and then they were off to Fort Mac.  Sunday afternoon the Parenteau's came for a visit.  We missed Berlyn's 1st birthday party last weekend, but kept her gifts and were able to see her open them today :) 

Tomorrow I have an ultrasound appointment at 11 am.  This ultrasound is to see if my placenta has moved at all.  I don't think I'll get any results tomorrow and I'm not sure when my next Dr. appointment is!  I'm going to call the office tomorrow to find out. 

This week we have the usual activities and I found out last week that a new session of Sing, Sign, Laugh and Learn started at Londonderry Library, so we might check that out on Wednesday morning.  Emerson has swimming on Saturday from 11 to 11:30, Blake has hockey from 11:45 to 12:45 and we have our niece Jenna's 1st birthday party at 3:30!!  I was hoping to go to my friend's wedding ceremony at 12:30, but I don't think I'll be able to fit it in.  I'm not taking Emerson with me and having her miss her nap!!  I'd rather she has a good nap before the birthday party, because I'm sure she won't be going to bed on time!  Sunday we no plans, which is good because we'll need a day of rest ;) 

Have a great week everyone :)

xoxo Tracy

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