Thursday, September 16, 2010

32 Weeks

I am 32 weeks today!!  Hard to believe (getting tired of hearing that?!)!!!  I had a Dr. appointment this afternoon and will start seeing the Dr. every 2 weeks now.  The Dr. was running VERY late today - 1.5 hours late ... Thank goodness for my Blackberry, which helped me pass the time.  I really need to remember to bring a book!  I got the results from my ultrasound and all is good on the placenta front ;)  It is no longer marginal!  Dr. Schafter said today that she has never seen a marginal placenta not move.  Baby was actually laying side ways today, which felt very odd.  Hopefully by my next appt. (34 weeks) baby will be head down, not feet down!  Babies heart beat was 137 bpm today, which is right around where Blake and Emerson's were at 32 weeks, so not giving away the sex with the heart rate!!  I ran out of dyclectin on Tuesday, so did not take one Tuesday night and boy did I pay for it on Wednesday.  ICK!  I couldn't eat a thing without losing it and felt nauseous all day.  So I called the Pharmacist and got 1 pill for Wednesday night.  And of course, I mentioned the prescription refill today at my appt., but left without the prescription :S  So tomorrow should be fun again.  Oh well, I'll call the Dr. office at 9 and they can call or fax in a prescription for me and I'll pick it up asap.  Considering I've been sick the entire pregnancy, it makes me think this baby is a boy.  I was sick the entire pregnancy with Blake, but was only sick for the first 5 months with Em (the 1st trimester rule certainly does not apply to me!).  But that is the only thing I am basing my guess on, so who knows?!  Of course, it really does not matter either way.  We only pray for a healthy baby!  I'm just glad we won't have 3 girls ;)  We think we've decided on a boys name, but still working on a girls 1st name.  I'm feeling kind of achey this week and my ankles are swelling a bit!  At this point, I am so glad that I wasn't at the end of my pregnancy in the heat of summer!!  I definitely don't think that would be very enjoyable!!  In preparation for baby's arrival, we've started planning Blake and Emerson's room.  Although there is not much room to plan!!  The bedroom will barely fit the 2 beds and a dresser, so there isn't much space to work with.  We will do some decorating, but I'm not going to go to overboard with that!  It will be a room to sleep in, that's it!!  Right now Blake wants trains and firetrucks on his wall, so we'll see what we can do about that.  I'll probably do flowers on Emerson's wall.  Or butterfly's or something girlish like that!  We're not painting the walls or anything.  And we'll add a few more shelves on the wall to balance out what's existing!  I'd love for them to have matching furniture, but they won't!  In the future when the 2 boys or the 2 girls share a room we'll hopefully be more matchy-matchy!!  lol!  We don't think Blake will have any troubles with sharing a room, he is a pretty deep sleeper and he seems excited!  Emerson on the other hand, may have a big adjustment!  She seems to be a light sleeper still.  Blake often moans and groans in his sleep, so we're expecting Emerson to wake up to that.  There will definitely be an adjustment period, we're just hoping it's short!!  I'm actually looking forward to the kids sharing a room.  I think it will be good for them :)  Keep in mind this is coming from someone who has never shared a room ... but I think it helps to foster a closer relationship between siblings.  I hope that in the years to come they will take comfort in having a loved one so near by when awoken by a bad dream, a loud noise, etc.  And I think it will be neat that they can whisper to each other and scheme against Mom and Dad ;)  LOL!!  Anywho, this short update on baby has turned into one long post ... sorry ;)  Have a great weekend everyone!!

xoxo The Cameron's 

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