Sunday, October 10, 2010


I had one of the biggest surprises of my life last night!!  What I thought was an anniversary dinner with Cal, was a surprise 30th birthday dinner for me!!  Cal and I got to Japanese Village and I was surprised by friends and family!  I can't believe I didn't know?!  Cal, Lindsay and my Mom corresponded via Cal's work email and had been planning this since the beginning of August.  They wanted to have a celebration for me before I was at the end of my pregnancy and couldn't really enjoy it as much or before I had a newborn and couldn't get out without him or her (because of nursing 24/7!)!!  Cal told them that if they corresponded any other way I'd definitely find out, which is true!  Cal and I are always on each other's email and Facebook profiles, so I would have definitely found out! 

Thinking back, I did find a few things odd.  Cal and I went out on Monday night for an anniversary date, so I thought it was odd that we were going out again on Saturday.  Especially since we were moving the kids into the same room on Friday!!  Back in September Cal said he really wanted to go out for dinner on the 9th, so I emailed my Mom to ask her to babysit!  The other thing I was surprised about was that Cal made reservations at Japanese Village!  Typically, we wouldn't go to a place like that on a date!!  We usually go to the Keg or Red Lobster!! 

I had a great time and really appreciate everyone who came out!  Thanks SO much ladies :)  Our chef was a bit of a comedy act on his own and kept us entertained and sometimes rolling our eyes - a large white man trying to speak with a Japanese accent at times!!  The food was delicious and my cake was probably the best cake I've ever tasted!!  Lindsay ordered it from Whimsical Cake Studio Inc.  So, so, SO delicious!!!!  It was a purple hydrangea :)  Makes me want to quit making my own cakes and order from them!!  My family knows me so well ... love hydrangeas, love purple, and the dinner and company was perfect!!  Thanks again to Lindsay, Cal and my Mom for planning this and knowing me so well ;)

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