Friday, November 26, 2010

1 Week Old Already!

I can't believe Reese is 7 days old today!  The week has flown by, as I know the years will too.  Reese is doing well.  She had her 1st pediatrician visit yesterday.  It went great!  She weighed in at 7 lbs, only 1 oz. below her birth weight, which is awesome!  She hasn't had a B.M. in the last few days, but Dr. Radisic isn't worried.  She's passing gas, so we know everything down there is working!  He told us (which I know from Blake and Em!) that BF babies can go once every ten days and that is still considered healthy!  She has a pretty strong neck for such a little one.  She likes to lift her head up when laying on our chests!  Her fingers seem so long compared to rest of her itsy bitsy self!!  She had her first bath at home this afternoon and now her hair is so fluffy and soft :)  I love all her hair, it is so cute!!  Blake and Emerson "helped" with the bath of course!  They want to do all they can with Reese, so we try to let them help with diaper changes, dressing her, etc.  Em is very good at putting Reese's laundry in the hamper and her diaper in the diaper genie :)  And Blake too of course! 

I'm on Reese time, which is different everyday!  But for the most part, it involves Reese sleeping and eating a little bit during the day and then eating all night long until early morning when she crashes for a few hours!!  We'll have to turn her around one of these days, but I feel she's too little still.  I know they usually start straightening out their days and nights in a few weeks.  She is nursing really good now.  She definitely took more work to get the latch down pat then Blake and Em did.  I was very lucky with the first two, as they just seemed to get it automatically!!  I know it's much more normal to have to work at it, like Reese and I have had to do!  The other thing about Reese, which is different then Blake and Em were, is that she does not like to sleep on her own.  Although, right now she is, so maybe that's changing?!  She's been sleeping on us a lot or beside me.  I love it, but we don't want to be in this position in 6 months!!  All in good time though, she's so little and so new right now, I'm not going to "sleep train" her yet!!!  You can't spoil a newborn baby :)  Oddly enough, I am not feeling all that tired.  I can fall asleep in the blink of an eye if an opportunity arises, but overall I'm not feeling exhausted!  I'm sure it will catch up with me in a few weeks :S  Life with 2 toddlers and a newborn is very, very busy!  And Cal is home right now.  Oh boy!!!  He goes back to work on December 7th.  I shall be a very busy Momma, especially on Preschool days!!

Poor Emerson is under the weather.  She's been hit card with croup and an ear infection.  We took her to the pediatrician yesterday (at the same time as Reese's 1st visit).  She had a dose of a steroid to help with the croup and is on antibiotics for the ear infection.  She's so stuffed up, her cough sounds terrible and she keeps running a fever every time the Tylenol or Advil runs out.  We're really hoping none of this passes on to Blake or Reese.  And hoping she feels better really soon!

Tomorrow morning we have tickets to a Breakfast With Santa at the YMCA.  We're really excited to take the kids!!  Blake's excited too!!  I'm curious to see what Emerson's reaction to Santa Claus will be ...  We'll have brunch with him and there are also crafts and activities for the kids to do :)  Em's not going to her swimming lessons afterwards, hopefully next week she'll be feeling better and able to go.  And of course Blake has hockey Saturday afternoon.  We all getting really excited for Christmas!!  We have a lot of our shopping done.  Next week we're going to decorate the house and the yard!  We bought a new Christmas inflatable for the front lawn!  Hopefully we'll write our Santa letters next week too :)  The Christmas season is such a busy time of year, but so fun when you have little ones!!  We have family pictures on Wednesday next week.  I'm not sure if we'll get the pictures back in time for Christmas, so not sure if I'm going to be sending out a Christmas letter this year or a Happy New Year letter!  I have the letter ready though!

We're very glad the weather has warmed up.  I took Reese out for the 1st time on Wednesday.  I got her weighed at the health unit and we did some shopping at Northgate Mall.  I'm glad we didn't have to take her out of the house during the really cold days.

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Love Tracy

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