Saturday, December 4, 2010


Reese is 2 weeks old now!  She is doing well :)  I didn't get her weighed this week, but will on Monday for sure.  But she looks and feels bigger!!  She is sleeping better on her own now.  Still sleeping with us off and on at night, but that's mostly because I'm exhausted and just want to sleep vs. taking the time to settle her into her own bed.  She's eating good and very often!!  Although not for as long as she was in the beginning, which is okay (2 hours was a little bit too long!)!  We did more work in Reese's room this week and it looks more girly now!  We're going to leave the train on the wall up for the time being.  It looks cute and the green in it matches the green in the valence, mobile and wall art.  And Emerson loves trains, so maybe Reese will too?!

Blake and Emerson are feeling better.  Blake ended up catching croup and a cold too.  Cal took him to the E.R. at 5 am one morning.  Emerson is almost done her antibiotics.  They both still have runny noses and a terrible sounding cough, but the cough is slowly going away.  So far (knock on wood) Reese hasn't caught anything.  We're trying hard to keep their hands washed and keep them away from her, especially when they're coughing!  It's hard though, because they really want to hug her and hold her :S  I hope they're 100% again soon and can love her all they want :)

The holiday season is in full swing :)  Last Saturday we went to a Breakfast With Santa at the YMCA.  Emerson wasn't too sure of Santa and didn't sit on his lap, but Blake did!!  He was very excited to see Santa and tell him what he wanted for Christmas!  Afterwards we talked about Santa and now Emerson tells us she is going to sit on Santa's lap at the mall ... we shall see!!  We might have to take a family Santa picture this year!  Blake's busy learning Christmas carols at school for his Christmas concert!  I can't wait to see if he actually sings out loud or not at the concert!  He sure sings well at home :)  The concert/party is on December 17th and is a formal event!  All the preschool kids had to bring a Santa hat to school to decorate, they are going to be so cute all dressed up and in their Santa hats!  We decorated our house this week and wrote the kids Santa letters.  What a fun time of year!

Cal is back to work on Tuesday.  It's been so wonderful having him off work for a little more then 2 weeks.  We will miss having him at home!  He's going to be busy at work when he gets back.  A lot of his co-workers are off for the month of December and so he'll be covering for quite a few people.  But he'll also be off for almost 2 weeks over Christmas/New Years, which we will look forward to :)

I'm not sure how I'm going to do "on my own"?!  I'm sure everything will be fine most days, it's the preschool days that might be crazy!!!  As long as Reese is well fed before we have to leave, there will be no problems.  Blake has never been late for preschool, but I think I've warned him so many times that he has to hurry or we'll be late, that he now has a complex about being late!!  If I even mention that we might be late he gets angry.  But there might be days that we are late ... There is a 2 week break from Preschool from December 17 to January 4.  And by January Reese should be in more of a routine!  My parents have been so awesome, as usual, I don't know what we'd do without them.  They've taken Blake and Emerson here and there, which is a huge help!!  And lots of fun for the kids!  And we've also been very fortunate, some of our friends and my parents have kept our freezer pretty full and we haven't had to worry about cooking supper for weeks.  I think a meal is one of the best gifts you can receive when you have a newborn baby!!!

My sister is coming down on Sunday for a week, which we're very excited for!!  It will be nice to spend time with her and have her extra hands too!!  Can't wait for her to have a little one and hopefully I'll be able to go to Fort Mac to help out :)  No pressure Linds ... lol!

One thing I've realized since having Reese is the old African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child" is pretty darn accurate!!! 

We're looking forward to celebrating our nephew Colby's 3rd birthday tomorrow and introducing Reese to her Grandma Bev!!  The kids are especially excited to attend a birthday party (a.k.a. eat cake) and see Colby and Jenna :)  They love their cousins and Blake often asks, "When are we going to Colby's house?"  Partly because he wants to see Colby and partly because he wants to play with all his cool toys ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Love The Cameron's

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