Friday, December 10, 2010


Reese is 3 weeks old today!  She had a follow up pediatrician appointment on Wednesday.  She weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz, which means she is gaining around 10 grams a day.  Dr. Radisic would like to see her gain 20 or 30 grams a day.  I hadn't been waking her up to eat, but he suggested that I do so.  So I decided I would wake her up during the day, and she must have understood that because she's no longer napping for long periods of time during the day!!  Therefore I haven't had to wake her up!  I wish she'd nap a little more during the day though.  She's been hard to get down the last few days ... I'm now remembering that once you think something is routine or has been happening for a few days, it will likely change!  Ahhh ... the unpredictability of a baby ;)  She's sleeping great in the evening and at night though (most nights!)!  And she's eating a lot during the day.  Hopefully that will show on the scale next week.  Dr. Radisic isn't worried about her infrequent B.M.'s.  He says she's healthy, happy, alert, stomach and bowels are good and she must just be an infrequent pooper!!!  Kinda like her brother was at first!  Must be genetics?! 

Blake missed preschool on Tuesday, he woke up with a fever early Tuesday morning.  I took him to the walk-in clinic near our house and he has an ear infection.  A pretty bad one apparently.  And I'm beginning to wonder if it's not affecting his hearing?!  Honestly!!  He asks us to repeat ourselves all the time and sometimes doesn't hear us at all.  And this is more then usual, because like most 3 1/2 year olds he doesn't always listen at the best of times ;)  He was really upset when I told him he'd have to miss school on Tuesday.  I felt so bad for him :S  They were having a movie day, but thankfully they watched another Christmas show on Thursday.  Poor Blake's been through the wringer with croup, a cold, puking, fever, ear infection.  Hopefully it will all be cleared up asap.

Emerson is done her antibiotics, but I'm not sure her ear infection is resolved.  She's been out of sorts, particularly not sleeping as good as usual and tonight she felt a bit warm.  Might have to take her back to make sure the infection is cleared up. 

My sister spent a few days and nights with us this week.  It was so nice to have here!  We all loved having her and miss her already.  She helped me out a lot with the kids, taking them to the YMCA, and even cleaned out our pantry!!  I've never seen our pantry look so good!!  We're going to try hard to keep it that way ;)  My Mom also stayed over one night, which was nice too!  Her Lindsay did some errands for us and kept Blake and Em busy and happy :)  They loved having Auntie and Grandma here! 

My Mom, sister, Reese and I went to the Butterdome Craft Sale last night.  It was nice to browse around and buy some neat things.  I bought a 2010 Christmas ornament for our family.  We have one from every year, starting in 2006!!  2006 has Cal, Tracy, Heidi and Jazz on it, 2007 has Cal, Tracy and Blake, 2008 same, 2009, Cal, Tracy, Blake and Emerson and now 2010 Cal, Tracy, Blake, Emerson and Reese :)  It was nice to get out of the house and do some walking!  Reese slept most of the time in the Snugli on Auntie Lindsay! 

We have a busy weekend ahead.  Swimming and hockey during the day tomorrow, then Cal's sister Carmen and her husband Darren are coming over to spend the night.  The kids will love that!  Blake's always seemed to have a soft spot for Uncle Darren and the last time we saw Auntie Carmen Em was her little buddy for the day!!  Sunday morning we have our New Mom's Group 4th annual Christmas Party, which we're looking forward to.  I love getting together with our group!

Have a great weekend everyone :)



1 comment:

Gerry and Lesley said...

3 weeks already... time is flying by already! I'm sure it will for the next many, many years! Seems to happen the day one becomes a parent! :)
Hope Blake and Emerson are feeling better... my goodness, if the old saying is true, they'll be healthy by the time they're in school because of illnesses as toddlers. I'm hoping that's true for our kids!! ;)
Take care, everyone!