Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 11

I am very grateful to be a citizen of this beautiful country.  We are so blessed to have such brave men and women who have fought for our freedom and our rights.  A simple thank you does not even begin to express the gratitude we feel for all these men and women have sacrificed.  Lest We Forget.
Today is also babies due date ... it appears baby did not get the memo :)  lol!  I can't complain though, I am feeling quite good and I'm actually in no rush!  I'm not too anxious, I know baby will arrive when it is ready.  At my appointment on Monday I was approx. 2 cm dilated, my cervix was in a mid position and soft and mushy (which is good!).  So at least I know something is beginning to happen!!  I have another appointment on Monday.  I had our last prenatal appointment with Fiona on Tuesday.  Next time we see her, I will be in labour!

The kids and I had a great playdate and lunch date with our friends Stacey, Alana and Parker on Wednesday morning.  The kids had fun running around the O'Leary playgym and then we had a yummy lunch at Chili's!!  I think we'll be visiting the playgym a lot more once the cold winter hits!!  We also went and had our flu shots on Wednesday afternoon.  Cal had his at work, so it was just the kids and I.  We all did well!  Blake didn't flinch or cry and Em cried for a few seconds.  Check that off our "To do before baby arrives" list :)  I wonder if the baby isn't early, because it is giving me a chance to get all these things done before its arrival?!?!

Today we attended Madison's 4th birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Blake has never been to Chuck E. Cheese, and he really enjoyed himself!  It was lots of fun and so cute to see Maddy and Em together again!!  They had fun this summer camping together and sure like each other!  Madison had to sit next to Emerson at lunch, it was very cute!  Blake loved playing a lot of the games and riding some of the rides!  I think we'll be going back one day ...

It's my big 3-0 birthday on Sunday!  I've almost forgot about it to tell you the truth!  I think because the focus is on the baby right now!!  If I'm not in labour or we don't have a newborn, Cal and I might go out on Saturday night and hopefully my parents will come for supper and cake on Sunday!  Who knows, maybe baby wants to share its Mom's birthday???

Have a great weekend everyone!  I'll keep you updated on Baby #3 :)


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