Sunday, June 26, 2011


Ack!!  Where does the time go?!  We're so crazy busy around here ... but it's all good :)  I like to make time to keep our blog up to date, as I've heard from a lot of people they enjoy reading it and it really serves as a "diary" for our family :)  I always think about how cool it will be to look back on one day, for Cal and I, as well as for the kids!!

So after my last post there was more to our exciting day!!  I was putting Reese to bed and Cal came in to say goodnight, I passed her to him, he picked her up and we heard a crack in her arm.  Just the way her arm was positioned, caused what we now know is called a "Nurse Maids Elbow."  She wasn't using her right arm and was quite upset and crying a lot after we heard the crack.  Just the sound of her cry had me thinking something was wrong, other then being tired.  I called Health Link and the nurse I talked to didn't ask my name, phone number, child's name, etc. (all the usual questions) she told me to take her to the nearest emergency room as soon as I got off the phone with her.  I didn't think she needed to be quite so panicky, but I complied and took Reese to the NE Health Centre.  They took us in immediately and x-rayed her arm (which was very painful for poor Reese :( )  I felt that the x-ray techs were judging me for being so calm and not balling my head off, but that's just not me!  I'm typically pretty calm during an emergency, it's later the tears/break down might come ;)  There isn't a radiologist on staff during the night at NE, but the 3 doctors who read the x-ray and talked with me all concluded that there was likely a break in the growth plate area of Reese's R arm, near the elbow.  Apparently on young children and babies, the growth plate area does not show up on a x-ray.  So they casted her arm from her shoulder to her finger tips and asked us to come back in the morning, for another x-ray and so the radiologist would be there to read the x-rays.  I decided to take her to the Stollery instead (why not go with the best, right?) and I am so glad I did!!  Once again we got in very quickly and it didn't take long for the Pediatrician we saw to determine Reese had a pulled ligament in her right arm.  The ligament that was pulled typically circles the head of the radius, but in the case of a "Nurse Maid's Elbow" the ligament is pulled and gets caught up on the radius instead of circling it.  It takes a quick procedure, called a reduction to "snap" it back into place.  Some of the reason's the Dr. knew it was a ligament pull vs. a break was because her arm was not swollen and she did not appear to be in any pain when the Dr. moved the arm slightly.  If there was even a small break in any bone in the arm, she would have been in extreme discomfort at the slightest movement of her arm.  Instead, she was only in pain when her arm was suppinated (palm faced up.)  The reduction was very painful, but within 10 to 15 minutes she was calm and back to normal!!  Using her arm with full range of motion, reaching for toys, etc!!!  It was quite amazing to see and we are SO glad our baby girl is okay and doesn't need to be in a cast for weeks or seeing an orthopedic surgeon! 

The next day Reese woke up with her 2 bottom teeth poking through!!  She's been teething like crazy and now has two sharp little teeth to show for all her work ;) 

We've had a busy weekend!  Starting with Friday, actually!  Reese and I dropped Heidi off at the groomer's Friday morning and then headed to a Cameron's Closet meet.  We left the meet early to meet Cal, Blake and Emerson at the YMCA Preschool wind-up party.  The Y sure knows how to plan and throw a great party :)  The kid's had so much fun partaking in the carnival games, jumping in the bouncy house, enjoying a yummy pot luck lunch and learning about penguins with Doug and her (yes, her!!) trainer from WEM!!  We will miss our preschool friends this summer and those moving on to Kindergarten next year.  Blake went to school with a great group this year and I've really enjoyed visiting with a lot of the Mom's!  We're hoping to keep in touch and meet a few times this summer for playdates :)  Blake will be back next year for his 2nd year of Preschool and we're hoping to get Emerson in on Tues and Thurs morning's as well when she turns 3 in February!

Friday night Blake had his last Floaters lesson of this session.  He has improved so much since Bobbers and is becoming more independent in his front and back floats!  Not to mention his bobs and jumping into the water!!  We attribute much of this to his awesome instructor!  She was great! 

Emerson had her last Bubblers lesson of this session on Saturday morning.  Emerson continues to LOVE the water :)  We're taking a break from swimming lessons for the summer, but will resume in the fall!!

We picked up our new microwave Saturday and Cal took the kids to a new park near our house, where they had a blast playing games with some of the other children who were there!!  Apparently Blake had a few girls chasing him ;)  I met with Travis, "the painter" again and finalized our color choices and what prep work we should do for him!  I'm SO excited to come home to a freshly painted house when we return from vacation!!!!

Sunday my Dad and Cal were busy installing our microwave above our stove and stacking our washer and dryer.  Mom and Lindsay came over for a visit too :)  It was a great weekend and we got a lot checked off our to do list!!!  Always a nice feeling :)  Now we're on to packing for the cabin.  A daunting task, but also very exciting, as it means VACATION TIME IS NEAR!!!!  Blake and Emerson are super excited for our trip to the cabin!  They can't stop talking about it!!  We're also excited of course :)  Cal's a bit apprehensive to leave his new job at this time, but the vacay time was booked before the career change!!!  And he short changes himself ... I'm pretty sure he has a good grasp on his new position, as he's a quick learner and has been working very hard to get up to speed before the current person hands everything over!

I might blog from the cabin, we'll see!  If not, we'll talk to you in a few weeks!  Please pray to the sun Gods for us :)  Have a great week everyone!!

The Cameron's

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