Monday, April 16, 2012


Blake found a penny in the back of the car ... Cal told him it was a lucky penny and he should make a wish!  Blake made a wish and Cal told him to not tell anyone the wish or the wish won't come true!  They drove home and Blake walked in the house and was disappointed that his wish didn't come true.  We told him not all wishes come true and that sometimes it takes days, months and maybe even years for wishes to come true!!  He was moaning and groaning about his wish coming true all through supper so we thought we better find out what the wishes were!!  Cal told him he could tell him and turns out he had 2 wishes: 1)more Batman stuff and 2)more storage for his toys!!!!  Too funny!!  We feel a bit crowded in this house and apparently Blake feels that way too ;)

Emerson walks up to me and says, "You don't have very long eyelashes Mom!"  I said, "No, not really!!"  Emerson says, "I do, they're sooooo long!!"  lol!  She's been absorbing everyone's remarks at how long her beautiful lashes are ;)

The other morning the kids decided to have yogurt for breakfast.  I asked Reese if she would like yogurt and she nodded her head.  I went to the fridge to get the yogurt and when I turned around, Reese was in the kids cupboard!!  She pulled out 3 spoons and proceeded to give one to Blake, one to Emerson and one to me (to feed her!)!!!  It was SO cute :)  We all said thank you to her and she was grinning from ear to ear!

Thursday was Blake and Emerson's 1st day in the same preschool class!  They had a blast and there were no issues between the 2 of them!!  Emerson's favorite part of her second preschool class, was cutting paper with scissors!

Friday evening Blake and Emerson had their swimming lesson, which is always fun to watch!  Blake is trying really hard to swim on his tummy with his head under the water!!  He can travel a short distance and then comes up for air and to wipe his eyes ;)  He tries to hard, you can see the determination on his face!!  Emerson is having a blast and keeps her teacher busy, along with her other 3 yr old classmates!  I often hear the instructor telling them, "Back on the wall please!  No kicking please!!  We're not supposed to be splashing right now!!!"  lol!!  Em loves it though and is pretty much fearless!  On Friday she slipped off the edge and went under and didn't even bat an eye!  The instructor lifted her back onto the edge and she kept on going!  It will be fun to take them swimming at the lake this year!  We're not sure how much camping we'll be doing but will definitely be taking day trips to the beach :)

We had another busy Saturday and Sunday!  Cal took Reese, Blake and Em to the YMCA on Saturday morning.  Blake and Em went to Mighty Munchkins and Cal took Reese to her swimming lesson.  I picked Blake and Em up at 11 and took them to Emerson's gymnastics class.  After her class we met Gerry, Lesley, Colby and Jenna for lunch.  The kids had fun visiting their cousins and playing in the play place!  Afterwards, we stopped at Home Depot for a plumbing part for Cal and a new shelf for Blake and Em's room.

We attended the St. Albert United Church again on Sunday.  The kids went to Sunday school and had a fabulous time!!  They played play-doh and read "The Hungry Caterpillar", which they related to Jesus!  They re-enacted the book and did a craft relating to the book.  It was a wonderful hour spent in Sunday school and we will be back next week!!  I'm a bit sad that we didn't have much luck at Pilgrim United Church but the congregation is so old (for lack of a better word) and the minister is not that great with kids, where as the St. Albert congregation has many young families and the minister is fabulous!!!  As children leave the service, he gives them a high five and says, "High five for Jesus!"  We're going to try really hard to go every Sunday!  I like the service time too - 10 to 11 am and he is firm on the 11 am!!  Lots of time to get Reese home for lunch and her 12 o'clock nap!

Sunday afternoon, Blake had his first spring hockey camp ice time.  I think he may be the youngest there ... but Tammy (the main instructor) told us after his last session that he was ready for this and he wanted to go, so we registered him!  I think he worked the hardest he's ever worked!!  It was a pretty intense hour!!  He was sweating a lot under his equipment!  He had fun and I think he will learn quite a bit!  There are 4 more sessions and then it's hockey break time ... until summer camp in August!

Have a great week everyone :)


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