Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Such a fun age!!

It is easy to forget how FUN being a parent to an almost 1 1/2 yr old is, that is until your youngest nears that age!!  Reese is SO much fun right now!  She is learning new words every day and talks so, so much (much of it sounds like a foreign language!)!  My parents are on vacation for a month right now and I bet when they return they are going to notice a huge difference in Reese!!  Be ready Grandma and Grandpa, she is going to surprise you ;)  I say my parents will notice a huge difference because they typically see Reese at least once a week and upon their return it will have been almost 5 weeks since they've seen her!

Reese can point out her own and everyone else's ears, nose, mouth, hair, hands, feet, tummy, and eyes!  And she can say hair, nose, and eyes quite well!  Blake loves playing this game with her, "Where's my eyes Reese?" etc, etc and they giggle together as she points everything out :)  Another new word Reese has learned is 'poo'!!  And she will tell you if she has it in her diaper!  I'm entertaining crazy thoughts of attempting potty-training before 2 ... It is tempting!!!  Reese LOVES being outside!  She loves going down our slides, walking Heidi, playing ball, puddle splashing, chasing Blake and Em and driving the coupe car, amongst other things!  She can spend a lot of time out there and when we let her out of her car seat in the van, she loves to take off to the front lawn and run around!  It is so much fun experiencing this age with our Reesey :)  

We have some good news!!  All of Blake's last round of tests have came back with zero issues!!  He had an ultrasound and a water deprivation test (2 rounds of blood and urine work) on Friday (it was a hard day for Blake and I!) to check his kidneys, abdomen and bladder.  It was a huge relief to hear there were no negative results!  We will be tracking his intake, output and stomach pain complaints over the next 2 weeks to see if there is any correlation between the 3 but hopefully this is just something he will grow out of.  After talking to Cal's Mom and Cal, Cal had some of the same issues when he was a little guy ... surprise, surprise!!!  Those 2 are like pea's in a pod, I swear!!  Blake is enjoying his hockey camp (Sundays, from 4 to 5) and has never worked harder in his life!  They sure make them sweat!  We are very excited for Blake's upcoming 5th birthday!!!  He's turning 5 on the 5th day of the 5th month - and of course it is cinco de mayo!!  Big milestone birthday :)  We have a super fun LEGO themed party planned with a hot dog roast and lots of cool LEGO games, decor, goodie bags and food!!!  Blake's very excited and is really excited to invite his best bud from preschool to his party!  This little boy and Blake get along so well and from what I've seen are so similar in their personalities!  Hopefully he will be able to attend!

We made a quick trip to the medi-centre today, to have Emerson's eyes checked.  My suspicions were confirmed ... pink eye :(  We picked up prescription drops and she will not be contagious within 24 hours.  I think Reese and I are getting it as well, so here's hoping Cal and Blake don't.  Emerson is LOVING preschool!  And I mean loving it ... the minute she wakes up on preschool days (which is often 6:30 am), she is asking, "Is it time to go to school yet?"  or saying, "I want to go to preschool!!"  We're so happy she is enjoying her class and know that she will have even more fun next year, when she attends a few more days a week!

We had our 5th annual new mom's group birthday party on Sunday!  I love that we are still 'together' and celebrating our wonderful group of kids!!  5 years sure flies!  Our first meeting was June 23, 2007!

This weekend we're looking forward to our friend Marc's 6th birthday party, amongst our other regular weekend activities.

Happy 'hump' day (tomorrow), enjoy the rest of your week, have a fabulous weekend and we'll talk to you again soon :)


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