Sunday, May 6, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Blake!!

It is Blake's champagne birthday this year - he turned 5 on the 5th day of the 5th month ;)  He toasted with an apple juicebox ... the 'champagne' of choice for 5 yr old's!!!

Our birthday celebrations started on Thursday, when we brought mini cupcakes to the YMCA for Blake's preschool classmates.  Blake chose chocolate cupcakes with blue icing and orange sprinkles.  We had quite an adventure making 48 mini-cupcakes on Wednesday morning.  At one point there was cake batter everywhere and we had to throw a cake batter-filled mixer in the garbage!!  At school, Blake stood at the front of the classroom and sang along with his classmates, as they sang happy birthday to him ;)  It was really cute to see!  And he loved handing out his cupcakes to his friends :)  He would say, "Here you go ____!"  Often the child would say, "Thank you Blake!  Happy Birthday!"  And Blake would reply (with a HUGE grin on his face), "Your welcome ____!  Thank you!"  So, so sweet, my heart just melted listening to them :)

On Friday the kids were super excited because Grandma and Grandpa D were home!  My parents came over in the morning and were smothered with hugs :)  We enjoyed a nice lunch at BP's and then Blake and Em went off on a bike hunting adventure with Grandma and Grandpa!  They found one eventually and Blake took it for a spin and approved!!  We can't believe he's on a 20" bike now!!!  Hopefully it lasts a few years!  He's loving his new bike, has crashed it a few times and has already been on another horn shopping trip with Grandpa, but this time they bought a metal horn so it shouldn't break again!

Saturday morning Blake opened his gifts from Cal and I and 1 of his gifts from Emerson and Reese (the other was saved for his birthday party, later in the day!)!  Blake was very excited to see that he was in fact correct, we gave him roller blades.  He knew he was getting roller blades because the little sneak found them under our bed ... what a turkey!!!  But nonetheless, he was excited and had fun trying them out!  He did great on the carpet and grass and was a bit more hesitant on the sidewalk but started picking up speed after a few minutes!

 We had a busy house Saturday afternoon, celebrating Blake's birthday!  Blake requested a LEGO themed party and I had fun planning!!  I kind of flopped on the cake (although Blake didn't notice and loved it!) but scored big-time on the Lego-head marshmallow pop's :)  I had fun making them and the kids had even more fun consuming them!!  Everyone enjoyed playing in the toy room, outside, creating with Lego and doing some Lego coloring and activities I found on the Lego website!  Blake had a BLAST and was very, very excited!!  He invited his best buddy from preschool and was so happy when Evan arrived (30 minutes late - we were worried he wouldn't come!)!!  Blake definitely played the 'birthday boy' role ... when it was time for birthday cake, I overheard him saying, "I am the leader today!  It is cake time!"  lol!  I'm not sure I've ever seen him so excited!!!!  We are so glad he enjoyed his birthday party :)  It was great to have everyone here, celebrating with us!  A huge thank you to everyone for coming to the party and for all the birthday wishes we received via email, phone , voicemail and Facebook!!  Blake had a wonderful day!

There are days when I look at Blake and he looks so grown up and mature and then there are times when I look at him and see my baby boy.  It is hard to wrap my head around the fact that he is 5 years old already!  It seems like just yesterday, I held my very 1st baby in my arms!  And even minutes before that, I heard, "It's a boy!"  I think of those moments and feel like I am there.

We are so proud of you, Blake.  You are such a loving little boy.  We witness this everyday and I will be forever grateful for your kind-hearted soul.  I pray you will hold on to your giant heart of gold as you grow older and experience life a little more.  You have an innocence about you that is so precious but I already see some of that slipping away.  It is so hard not to protect you from everything 'bad' in the world but we must let you grow, experience and learn on your own, to some degree.  You are such a big boy, taller and weigh more then anyone in your class and yet after class when we are playing in the playgym and you and your friends start wrestling and playing rough and tumble, you are always the one on the bottom of the pile!  I know you don't realize your strength but you are also very gentle and don't want to hurt your friends.  Many of the other preschool parents have remarked at how gentle you are!  And your teachers have told me how nice it is to have you in their class - they say you are so helpful and almost like a big brother to everyone!  And of course I can see that because I see how helpful you are with Emerson and Reese.  You are so particular Blake - honestly, it is hard to keep up with some days!!  You take "A place for everything and everything in its place" quite literally :)  You can be a worry-wart and I wish you would just stop worrying!!  You are only 5, trust me there will be many, many years ahead for you to worry.  Be a kid, don't worry!  You are a boy of routine and structure, that is for sure.  And we love you just the way you are, from the spiky hair you like to style (I never thought my boy would spend so much time in front of a mirror, brushing his super short hair!!), your handsome smile and almost grey/blue eyes, your ticklish tummy, to your orange toe nails (boys like nail polish too, you know!).  You are one of a kind and we are eternally grateful and blessed to call you our son :)

Happy 5th birthday to our baby boy!

xoxo Mom & Dad
Our family at Blake's 5th birthday party

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