Tuesday, May 22, 2012

18 months ago ...

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Reese Peyton Anne Cameron!!!  We didn't have her name picked out until Wednesday and she was born on Friday, November 19th!  Cal thought of it and I said, "Like Reese Witherspoon?"  He said, "Yeah!" and I said, "I love it!!"  For middle names, Cal really wanted Peyton (Peyton Manning!) and I really wanted Anne (my middle name and Cal's Mom's middle name!).  And now she is our Reesey, Goose, Gooster, Reesey-Gooey ;)  lol!!

Now there is a theme here, I know ... BUT I am always amazed and surprised at how fast time goes!  I'm sorry I sound redundant but really?!  Reese is 18 months old already?!  She's closer to her second birthday then her first?!  Where did THAT time go???

Reese has completed our little family, she is our 3rd baby and we've always said we want 3 (at least) :)  We'd have another if we were billionaires and could hire some childcare/house help!!!  Not joking!  I know why Brad and Angelina have so many kids!!!  I think I can relate with Angelina a little ;)  But, as we look back on the last 18 months of our lives it is almost surreal.  The last 18 months have been BUSY!!!  I know, everyone is busy ... but there are different kinds of busy, right?!  And I've been all kinds of busy and this is the busiest!!  I feel like I'm pulled and tugged and pushed in a million different ways from everyone in our lives, including the pressures I put on myself!  But although the last 18 months have been the busiest we've ever experienced they have also been full of love and fun :)  Of course having 3 young children has been tough at times but we really would not change it for the world.  They bring so much joy and love into our house and have really taught and shown us what is important in life.  They are our whole world and everything we do, we do for them.

Reese is growing and changing so fast and we are having so much fun with her at this age!  She continues to be a little monkey, climbing everything!!  Just yesterday she climbed Blake's bunk bed ladder ... twice!  One of those trips to the top bunk resulted in a fall :(  Her vocabulary is growing daily and she is starting to say two word sentences!!  The other day she held out her snack cup and said, "Need more!"  Another new word for Reese is 'hungry!!'  She will go stand at the pantry door and say, "Hungry!!  Hungry!!"  I'm 100% positive she picked that one up from her big brother and sister ;)  (Yes, she eats like a horse!  Just like Blake and Em at her age!!!)  She is into pointing out body parts and knows 'elbow' now, as well as ears, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth, hair, hands, feet, fingers, tummy and chin!!

Reese had her 18 month immunizations today.  They went extremely well - she did not even cry!  She weighed in at 24 lbs (50th %tile).  Her head circumference is in the 50th %tile and her height is in the 25th %tile.  Reese surprised the nurse when she pointed to the sticker she wanted when the nurse showed her a sheet of stickers and asked her if there was one she liked!

Reese is a total flirt!  She tilts her head to the side and looks up at people with her long lashes and big blue eyes, it is so cute!!  She loves playing with other kids and watching and learning from Blake and Emerson.  She often tries to mimic what they are doing and has a love for Lego, just like Blake!  She tries to put it together, it is really cute to watch!  I was really worried about the little Lego pieces making it into her mouth but she's more interested in playing with it!

Reese LOVES her blue rubber boots ...  it is so funny!  We borrowed them from our friends who had borrowed them from someone else, so they have been around the block!!  She pulls those boots out every time we're getting ready to leave the house!!  She holds them up and says, "Boots??"  She can even put them on herself, which may be why she loves them so much!!  She also loves babies and dolls.  She pats them on the back and rocks them :)  She loves her cousin Connor and looks so proud when she is holding him!  Reese also loves books and sits so quietly, listening intently as we read to her.

Reese recently started singing to herself!!  It is SO adorable!  She will be sitting somewhere playing and will start humming and singing :)  I can make out some of the lines and one of her favorite songs to sing is 'Twinkle, twinkle little star!'  The line I can make out is, 'Up above the world so high!'  She says "Up above' very clearly!!!

We love you so much Reese, happy year and a half :) :)


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