Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Monday!

Em the gem:
Emerson is always coming up with something entertaining!!  We were outside today and she looked up at the hanging basket we have hanging from our eaves trough.  She said, "We have to water these plants Mom!"  I said, "Yes we do Em!  I keep forgetting about them and I think the flowers are dying!"  She said, "Yep they are!  They're all looking down, like this (as she rounds her shoulders forward and hangs her head)!!!"  It was so cute!!

Cal told the kids he would take them to the park after work today but little did he know, he would wake up with no voice, a cough and a really sore throat :(  I took them to the park this morning and told them that Dad was not feeling well so we should let him rest when he comes home.  Em said, "Oh yeah, that's a good idea.  He needs lots and lots of sleep.  He should sleep in, then he'd feel better!"  Apparently we tell them they need a lot of sleep to feel better ... lol!!!

Blake the snake:
That sounds bad, doesn't it?!  lol!  Sorry Blake, that's just the rhyme we came up with a long time ago!!!  Sounds fun to us, we definitely don't mean you're a snake ;)  You're the farthest thing from a snake!!  You are such a friendly boy!  Everywhere we go, Blake's making friends!  I love it and I love how innocent he is.  He just assumes everyone and anyone would want to be friends and play!  We did teach  him a long time ago to say, "Hi my name is Blake, what's your name?  Would you like to play?"  And that has stuck with him!!  Today at the park he had a whole playground of friends he had never met prior to this morning!  And every time we leave, he has to say an individual good bye to every single one :)  And as we drive away he always says, "I hope my friends will be there when we come back!"  Love it!!!  He's going to have a lot of fun next year, when he gets to see his friends 4 mornings a week in Kindergarten :)

Reesey Geesey:
Or Goose as I like to call her!!  Reese is talking SOOOO much more in the last 2-3 weeks.  It is amazing!  She repeats everything ... And it is fun to see her learn and interact more and more with other children and adults!  It is nice that she can communicate more and more each day and is able to let us know what she wants/needs, i.e. telling us she is hungry (hun-gee) or thirsty (irsty)!  She still has this shy grin/turn of the head/watch you out of the corner of her gorgeous blue eyes look that is beyond adorable and always has strangers ooo'ing and awww'ing ;)  Reese has also started singing to herself and her dolls.  Or sometimes she'll just be sitting somewhere and singing.  Heart melting, I tell you!!!  Bedtime is such a great time with Reese!  She is so cooperative and loves her little routine.  Books, singing 'Rock a bye Baby' and 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in her glider and then turn off the lights, turn the noise machine on and sing the 'Roses' song.  If I miss any of those steps she lets me know!!!  She is also becoming a major Daddy's girl (this is the age Em started the "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!")  Poor Cal can't put her down when he comes home from work!!

So much fun and never a dull moment with these 3 munchkins ;)  I am reminded of this weekly ... it doesn't matter where we go, I often get asked, "Are they all yours?"  "How old are they?"  And then comes the, "You're a busy Mom!"  "They are adorable!"  "You're brave, taking them shopping by yourself!"  "I remember when ..."  "Enjoy every minute!"  "They grow up so fast, mine are ..."  The best was last week at the YMCA as we were walking to the van, the kids stopped to pick flowers for Mom (a.k.a. dandelions) and an older man (I'd say around 80 years old) stopped to talk to me and watch the kids pick flowers.  He told me he had 3 children, all grown.  His oldest grandson had just graduated from the University of Alberta and had been married for 1 year.  He said he prayed every night that his Grandson would start a family soon.  He said he loved having small children around, that they reminded you of the important things in life and that he wanted to meet a great grandchild before it was too late.  He said he could remember his children picking dandelions and that he'd love to see his great grandchild do the same.  He said his great granddaughter-in-law would be a really good Mom.  I almost had tears in my eyes!  It was so refreshing to talk to him :)  And it totally made me miss working in long term care and with seniors.  When the kids brought me my flowers, I appreciated them that much more after that conversation :)

We had a great weekend!  Reese has swimming lessons on Saturday morning and Blake went to Mighty Munchkins during that time.  Em and I stayed home and did laundry!  We had a nice dinner out, just the 5 of us, on Saturday night!  Sunday morning we went to Church, which was great as always.  It's so nice to attend a Church that caters to children and families!!  Sunday after lunch we headed out to Mom and Dad's lake lot.  We had a great time, the weather was so nice!  They have a great little place there, I'm so happy for them!

I hope you had a good Monday and enjoy the remainder of this week :)


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