Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Reese :)

Today is Reese's 2nd birthday, although i you ask her how old she is she will tell you 3!!  We had such a great day!!  When we awoke this morning, Reese opened our gifts to her.  Then it was off to drop Blake off at Kindergarten!  After we dropped Blake off, Cal, Em, Reese and I made our usual stop at Timmies ;)  We all had breakfast and enjoyed chatting with some neighbouring Timmies customers!  We love visiting Tim Horton's in the mornings, everyone is so friendly and we're usually the youngest people in there!!  After breakfast, I took the girls to Come Play With Me.  We all had a great time, the girls absolutely love this program and Miss Christine :)  It's so much fun to see them singing and dancing and loving craft time!

After Reese's nap we all headed out side to play in the snow and sled down the 'hill' in our front yard!  Our neighbour used his quad and blade and enlisted the help of a city operated bobcat to create a huge snow pile in our front yard.  It's awesome and the kids love sledding down the hill!  Of course, playtime outside is often followed by hot chocolate and being Reese's birthday we added marshmallows to that hot chocolate ;)

Reese had a great day, enjoying a favorite dinner (chicken nuggets and yam fries) and enjoyed another round of "Happy Birthday" and cake!

It is hard to believe our Reesey is 2.  She is a smart little cookie and has learned soooo much from her big brother and sister.  It is amazing how a little person can pick so much up, just from being around a 3 and 5 year old!!  She has an extensive vocabulary and puts long sentences together!  Her words are not always easy to understand but she sure has a lot to say!!  Reese is very independent ... she does not want help with anything!  Dressing, taking off her diaper, feeding herself, climbing up and down stairs (no matter how steep), when we attempt to help her, we get a stern, "ME DO IT!"  We can not imagine our family with out her, it would feel incomplete.  She has brought so much joy to our family and has really brought out Emerson's kind, loving, motherly nature, which often amazes me!  She is so, so, so good with Reese, it is heartwarming.  Blake is also great with Reese and such a fantastic big bro!!  

Reese, we love you beyond words.  Your spunky personality, your goofiness (love your dance moves, I really need to capture them on video!), your love for your family, your infectious laugh, your gorgeous blue eyes and pinchable cheeks, from your head to your toes you are a perfect little package :)  You are such a cuddly little girl and I love how you gently pat my back sometimes when I hug you.  You are becoming more and more of a Daddies girl, 2 seems to be the age this happens in our house!  Thank you for being you Reese, letting your individuality shine through, keeping every moment interesting and fun and bringing much love and joy to our family!  We love you more then you will ever know and can't wait to enjoy this next year with you :)

xoxo Mom and Dad

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