Monday, December 9, 2013


This afternoon Emerson and Reese came up with a really cute game.  They took turns playing Santa Claus!  One girl would pretend to be sleeping on the couch while the other (Santa) hid a toy in her stocking.  Santa would then go back to being herself and wake the other girl up, saying, "Look, look, Santa came!!"  It was soooo sweet and cute to watch them play this game and come up with all the rule's, etc.  One of those moments that make me so thankful that I get to spend every day with them :)

BTW, I've been really behind on my blogging!!  So there will be some post's that will pop up from November that I've been working on but haven't posted, if you want to check some of the back-dated post's, there will be new ones :)


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