Thursday, September 22, 2016


Next up is the middle child in our family, Miss Emerson Marie or Em the gem, Em or Emmy!!

Emerson is LOVING school!  She has an awesome teacher, someone who I just knew would click with Em!  Her classroom is nature based and Em loves every minute :) We love seeing her so happy at school.  She has a great group of friends, although a new 'BFF' everyday.  I guess it's a girl thing but I am just so happy she has a nice group of friends. She's had quite a few playdates at her friend Faith's house and Faith has come to our house :) 

Emerson is becoming more and more cognizant of what she's wearing and how her hair is done and I love her sense of fashion :)  It's so much fun to shop with her!!  She's always been particular about her clothes but she's now really into pairing items together, along with accessories.  Not just throwing a pink dress with pink leggings because they're both pink ;) It's fun for both of us!!

Emerson's ringette team was just announced tonight and she is so excited to be playing with a few of her friends from last year's team and a fellow hockey sister!!  We're really happy to be spending the ringette season with the Chorney's :)  Emerson skated hard during evaluations and had a blast!  I think she's going to have a great ringette season! This year she moved up to U10 ringette.  There are 3 steps - step 3, 2, 1.  Em's on a step 3 team this year.  She'll likely have 2 practices and 1 game per week.  We can't wait to cheer her on!!

Em is back at Ukrainian dance this season and says it will be a will a really great year because there's 2 boys in her group!  And I agree, adding males to the group will make a much more dynamic dance.  I can't wait to see them perform!! She moved up a level this year and is now practicing for an hour and fifteen minutes per week.

Em is a sweet, spunky, loving, beautiful and sometimes emotional, little girl who has the brightest smile :) Love you so much, Em!!

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