Wednesday, September 14, 2016


I thought I'd write a little update on all of the Cameron kiddo's!

I'll go in order of oldest to youngest, so first up is Mr. Blake Smith:

Back to school has been a smooth transition for Blake; although he is a little bit more tired than usual!  Blake was excited to be able to join the Cross Country Running Club this year, as grades 4-6 can participate.  He has running club every Monday and Wednesday from 3 -4 pm.  Today he was so excited that he ran in the 'fast' group and ran 5 laps around the school property!  They have a run on the 20th at Laurier Park, which he's looking forward to!  Blake's enjoying having a male teacher in grade 4 this year and getting back into the swing of school aka hanging out with his besties again ;)

Blake started rep conditioning camp back on August 18th.  Conditioning camp rolled into evaluations and finally, teams were made this past Sunday.  It felt like a very long process ;)  Cal coached during conditioning camp and evaluations.  He was interviewed and chosen as a tier 2 coach, way back in the spring.  Of course his coaching job was dependant on Blake making a team.  Blake skated hard and made the KC Crusaders - Atom minor AA (playing tier 2 in EMHA)!  I'm so proud of him and we're all looking forward to another great hockey season!  Go Crusaders Go!!!

Blake is really into a series of books called 39 Clues.  He started reading them this summer, after a recommendation from an employee at Chapter's.  He was very excited when my Mom found a large set of the books at a used book store in Spruce Grove!  Of course she bought them for him, I mean who can say no to a child who has a love for reading!!  He's making his way through them and it warms my book-loving heart to see him enjoying reading :)

So many nights I look in at Blake before I go to bed and I see this long, gangly kid who takes up nearly all of his single bed.  But then I look up at his face and see my sweet 9 year old, often cuddled up with his blanket and special teddy bear and my eyes well up because man, time flies.  I don't want him to grow up so fast but on the other hand, this age is really awesome. I love his insights, his personality, his questions and just spending time with him. Jazz sleeps with Blake every night which seems to have brought them closer!  During the day Blake is always very concerned with where Jazz is.  He's worried Jazz has escaped outside, it's very sweet.

We love our kind, intelligent, funny, handsome, strong, loving boy!

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