Monday, September 12, 2016

Wrapping up Summer 2016!

We're well on our way to Fall 2016, so I will wrap up the summer updates ;)  It was such a jam-packed, fun-filled summer and I want to remember every moment ... 

On the 27th of July we celebrated a good friends birthday with a surprise backyard BBQ at the Parenteau's!  Many of our mutual friends gathered for Eric's BBQ and it was great to see everyone.  This group of friends is so much fun and we always have a lot of laughs together ;) 

We had a great Edmonton Valley Zoo date with the Stony Plain Cameron's on August 15th!  Our zoo may be small and many areas need updating but we always enjoy our visits!  It's the perfect place to spend a warm, summer day :)

Reese, Blake, Emerson, Colby, Jenna and LUCY!!
I was so excited to hear that the Hrdlicka's were in town and free for a play date!!  We met up with them on August 16th - It was HOT that week, so we met the crew at a new spray park in Sherwood Park.  As always, we had a fabulous time!  The kids always pick up where they left off, just like bff's do ;)  The park was awesome, a new fave for sure!

Thanks for the ice-cream, Uncle Brandon!  This was such a hot day, it was awesome spray park weather :)

On the 29th of August we checked off a summer bucket list item, when we met our friends the Capicio's and the Stecyk's at the Kinsmen Park!  This is such a gorgeous park, nestled in the River Valley and we really wanted to spend some time there this summer!  Glad we fit that in ;)  And as always, it's great to hang with Lindsay, Connor and Mason and we were excited to visit with Melissa, Daeton and Domingo, who we don't get to see very often.
Beautiful, Kinsmen park in the middle of #yeg!

Annnd to finish off these wicked summer updates, I bring you - LAZY DAYS at HOME!!!  From all I've wrote and if you follow me on Instagram (meetthecamerons5), you may think we were go, go, go all summer.  But that's not true!  We had plenty of care-free, unscheduled, LAZY days at home ;)  On most of those days I did not get out of bed until 9/9:30 ish and on a lot of those days I didn't change out of my pj's until after noon (kids included!!)

And few other awesome summer memories ... in photo's :)

Another fabulous day at Summerside Beach Club!!  So grateful to my sister for inviting us to join them!!

Back to school 'do's!  Reese had quite a few inches cut off and it suits her so much!  Em had her ends cleaned up and a beautiful heart braid, just gorgeous :)
Back to school/work mani's for the girls!
A fun night at the Lupul's house, here the girls are playing 'makeover' :)
 Thank you for all the memories, summer 2016!! I've enjoyed sharing them with you all and especially can't wait to look back on them, one day down the road :)


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